1. Katerina

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The sound of my heels clicking on the tile flooring of Montgomery Enterprises on a Monday morning was all you could hear aside from the occasional typing or phone calls coming through

"Good morning Miss Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery is waiting for you in his office," the front desk lady said as she noticed me enter the lobby. I nodded, thanking her before walking towards the elevator and pressing the up button to take me to my brother's office floor.

I sighed and leaned against the cold metal wall of the elevator as it took to me the top floor. The song playing on the speakers made my heartache. It was the song that Jericho and I proclaimed as our own when we began dating. It had been the song that had been playing when we met two years ago. We met at one of my brother's parties and we had hit it right off the bat. The song was called 18 by One Direction. I sighed a breath of relief when the elevator stopped and the doors opened with a ding I stepped out leaving my memories behind.

Life had been perfect, or so I thought.

I was too blinded to see that I slowly losing him. I didn't see the signs that our relationship was over until it became reality two days ago. How pathetic was I to think that our relationship would last a lifetime? I was too naive to think that our relationship was strong and would surpass any obstacle that life threw our way but it was all an illusion. A dream. A fantasy that my mind created. In some way, I knew that our relationship was over but I couldn't force myself to believe it.

Tears slowly began rolling down my face as the memories of the last 36 hours came forth in my mind.


"Good evening, table for two?" The hostess questioned as Jericho and I entered the restaurant and he nodded

"Do you have reservations?" She asked

"Yeah, it should be under Johnson" Jericho replied and the lady nodded checking the booklet before grabbing two menus and leading us to a booth in the very back where we wouldn't be interrupted. It was strange, Jericho was the last person to care if we were bothered so this was unusual but said nothing instead hank the lady as she handed the menus once we sat down.

"Could I get you two started with something to drink?" she questioned

"Yes, can we get a bottle of your best wine please?" Jericho questioned and I raised a brow at that suggestion since he anted wine. The only time he'd ever drink wine is during a special occasion or when he's about to tell you something you don't want to hear. Our anniversary was tomorrow so I didn't understand why he'd ask me out to dinner tonight instead of just waiting for tomorrow.

"So what did you want to talk about that couldn't wait until tomorrow?" I asked and he sighed fidgeting with the napkin

"It's about us," he said and I stared at him and felt a smile form on my face. Was he going to ask me to marry him? Being with him was all I ever wanted. I want to spend my life with him. He's the only boyfriend that I ever saw myself with for the long run.

"What about us?" I asked not getting ahead of myself, as it may not be us getting married, it could be us moving in together

Just as he was about to reply, the hostess returned and placed the bottle of wine in front of us before asking if we were ready to order. Once we ordered, she walked away leaving us again and I waited for Jericho to explain what he wanted to talk about.

He took a deep breath filling the glasses with wine before taking a sip from the glass.

"Well?" I asked when he didn't say anything for several minutes and I was getting anxious. He's never acted this way before.

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