19. Katerina

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"So I think I found the perfect house for us," Alex said as he climbed the bed and I raised a brow

"Yeah? Let me see" I said and he showed me his laptop where there was a stunning mansion. It was stunning. It was 2,375 square meters and four stories with 12 bedrooms, seven ensuites, a wine cellar, library, and billiards room. It also had three pools, a tennis court, a separate building for staff, and a car garage that fits up to 10 vehicles. The mansion sat in a 22.6-acre park with its own lake, boathouse, and vineyard.

It was beautiful but did we really need that many bedrooms? That much space if it's only the three of us living there?

"It's beautiful but do we really need that much space? And what about that extra building? We don't need staff" I said and he nodded with pursed lips, "we need to look at other places too, Alex. Yeah this place is about 20 minutes from both our jobs but we also need to realize that we don't need a lot of space"

"I know, I know. I just liked it. I mean it has a wine cellar and a private lake with a boathouse. Imagine all the trip we could take with the family" he said and I chewed on my bottom lip at the excitement and Okay, he has a point on the boathouse and wine cellar thing but do we really need a big house? Scratch that, a mansion?

"We'll look at other places and if none of them speak out as this one does then we'll get it," I said and he nodded. It's been exactly three days since he came to stay with us and my dad had taken a liking to him and is always taking him away in the mornings before work just to talk. The first night here, they had a very serious and deep conversation regarding our relationship.

"So what did my dad what to talk to you about?" I had asked him when he walked back into my room and helped me out of the bathtub and held a towel for me to wrap around my naked body

"Just wanted to make sure that I was with you for the long run and not run off when things got hard" he replied as he helped me dry off and I nodded, "I assured him that I wasn't going anywhere no matter what. We're in this together, I promise, okay?"

"Okay" after that we just brushed our teeth before heading back to my room so I could get dressed. It had been a little over 10 by the time we had climbed into bed before we let sleep take over.

"We can look at more houses for sale in the morning since it's late and you look exhausted," Alex said breaking me out of my thoughts but I shook my head but a yawn escaped making him chuckle, "get some sleep. I'm gonna go finish some paperwork and then I'll be back"

"Just work here I don't mind" I mumbled as I scooped down on the bed as he got off and looked over at me with a raised brow making me roll my eyes

"There's a computer desk in my room for a reason Alex" I replied and he sighed

"I just don't want to keep up with my typing," he said and I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone and headphones and held them up to him

"You won't. I'll just put these on" I replied with a smile shaking the headphones and he rolled his eyes with a smile before leaning over and pecking me on the lips

"Okay. Get some sleep and I'll join you in bed once I finish" he said and I nodded putting the headphones on and connecting it to my phone before turning the music on. Alex grabbed his laptop and walked over to my desk and sat down before turning it on. I could see his muscle-flexing with every click of the keyboards as I laid back on my pillow with the headphones on. With All Of Me by John Legend playing in my ears, I slowly began to fall asleep and it wasn't long before sleep took over and I was under only to wake up when the bed dipped and the headphones were being pulled out of my ears by Alex, "go back to sleep"

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