11. Katerina

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"Hello, Storm Enterprises, Jessa speaking how may I help you?" Jessa, Alex's secretary answered after a few rings and I sighed closing my eyes wondering why he still had her but didn't say anything instead asked

"Hi, is Mr. Storm available to speak? This is Katerina Montgomery"

"Let me check if he is" she rudely replied before hanging up and I blinked before rolling my eyes and grabbing my phone and dialed his number. I knew I should've called him directly but I just wanted to make sure that he wasn't in a meeting before calling his cell phone.

"Hello, Storm speaking" Alex answered as he picked up and I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his way of answering the phone

"Hello, Mr. Storm" I greeted and all noise on his side stopped when he heard my voice, "am I interrupting you?"

"Not at all, I was just checking some messages" he replied as the sound of his chair squeaking under his pressure-filled the line as he shifted around, "how are you?"

"I'm good. A bit tired but that's to be expected to see as I'm already 3 months along" I replied and he hummed and I can picture him looking out his floor to ceiling window at the city below as he placed his arms behind his head

"Have you been having any weird cravings yet?" He questioned making me smile

"Not really, have you?" I asked since the doctor did explain that in some cases of pregnancy the woman will pass on her cravings and other symptoms over to the father

"Not really. I mean the doctor did say it was also normal to not have any cravings or anything of the sort" he replied

"That's true" I replied turning in my seat to look out the window to the buzzing city below, "Did Jessa tell you I called?"

"Didn't I tell you to call me directly on my cell?" He asked and I chewed on the inside of my cheek

"I know but would you have picked up if I had while you were in a meeting?" I asked

"I would have and would have to you so if I had been in a meeting," he said and I sighed

"Okay fine. Sorry that I didn't call you directly" I said

"Don't be. Just next time don't call my front desk instead call me directly okay?" He asked and I smiled

"Okay. Um, by the way, I was thinking about what we talked about last week" I said

"Yeah?" He asked and I hummed, "and what about it?"

"I'm glad that you told me about her. It would have been a pleasure to have met her" I said

"I don't want secrets between us Katt and that's why I told you about her. And she would have loved to have met you too. She always said that she wanted to meet you" He said and I sighed closing my eyes as I rubbed my belly

"She sounds like a lovely person. Could you tell me more about her?" I questioned

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. We could go for lunch after the doctor's appointment and we can talk how does that sound?" He asked his voice sounding uncertain and I smiled

"Sounds perfect"

"Great. I'll pick you up in about half an hour?" He asked and I looked at the time at my computer to see it was nearing noon and I hummed



"Hi we have an appointment with Doctor Sanchez at 11:30," I said as Alex and I walked to the front desk to check-in and the receptionist nodded typing into her computer before having us take a seat 

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