9. Katerina

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The following day the first thing I did was check my phone to see if Alex replied but was disappointed to see no new messages from him at least. I had ten new messages from Jericho and it was annoying. He's been trying to get back tougher after he broke up with me three months ago. I keep rejecting him and he keeps insisting. Hell, he even thinks that I'm pregnant with his baby when he knows we've never had sex. I've told Jericho many times since our last talk that I wanted nothing to do with him but it seems that that just goes in one ear and out the other.

Sighing, I got out of bed and passed my way across the room to my bathroom with a change of clothes to change into once I was done showering. Entering the bathroom, I walked over to the shower and turned it on letting the water heat up while I did my morning business from peeing to brushing my teeth. I looked at myself in the floor to ceiling mirror and smiled as a small bump was now visible. Today marked three and a half months since Alex and I had our one night stand and it felt surreal. Three and a half months have gone so fast yet it felt as if it had happened yesterday.

I could still feel his fingers caressing my skin, his lips against mine as he gently entered me. The way his back muscles had tended under my fingers as I held him. The way his eyes had closes once he was completely inside was something that I never thought I'd ever see. The soft moans that came from him as he slowly began to move. Our bodies connected in the most intimate of ways had my heart racing in my chest. Nothing could have ever prepared me for the intensity of such an act that it left me breathless.

But all that high had left me the following morning. I had woken up and screamed when I saw him lying there naked as the day he born. I knew what had happened the night before but I still cursed and screamed before running out of that room as if the devil was hot on my heels. Over the years of knowing him, I had always fantasized about him and me together and when it happened I was shocked and terrified all at once. Jericho and I had just broken up the night before and I was hurt and pissed that I had gone to the club and gotten drunk off my ass but through that alcohol, I could remember Alex taking me home but I was too stubborn and drunk and I freaking seduced him into having sex.

"How pathetic could you get Katerina?" I grumbled to myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Shaking my head I turned around mad stripped of my pj's and climbed into the shower letting the hot water relax my tensed muscles.

Grabbing my two on one bottle of shampoo and conditioner I lathered my hair before rinsing it off. I did the same with my jasmine and lilac body wash before turning the water off. I slid the glass door open and grabbed my towel and dried off before stepping out of the shower. The room was fogged up from the hot water. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my closet to get my outfit for the day.

Once I fully dressed I walked back to my room with my heels in hand and placed them by the vanity where I had my jewelry and make up. I walked back to my closet to grab my shit jacket and coat as well as my purse before grabbing my phone and as I was about to press on Spotify to play music, I saw that I had a few new messages and pressed on the messaging app and my heart fluttered seeing Alex's name above Jericho's texts and ignored his as I pressed on Alex's name.

From Alex:
Don't apologize for saying what you said, Katerina. You have every right to call me whatever you want but that still won't change the fact that it fucking sucks getting turned down after I confessed being in love with you. And just because you broke my heart doesn't mean that I'm going to stop talking to you Katerina so don't worry. I'll see you at the meeting this afternoon have a good day

I reread his message over a couple of times before sighing and finished getting ready for the day. I have one class then I'll be going to the office to prepare for the meeting David and Alex had with the clients. Putting my phone and charger in my purse once I was done, I put my suit jacket on before grabbing my coat and leaving my room. The sound of nails scraping on the woods floors made me look up in time to dodge our dogs, who were running towards the stairs and I chuckled when they tumbled down before getting back up and continuing their run.

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