34. Alexander

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"No way!" I chuckled as Marcus finished telling me a story about my parents when they were still teenagers and how my dad had wanted to impress my mom by using the cheesiest pick-up line I've ever heard in my life.

"I'm dead serious. I can still remember the look on your mother's face when he said that" Marcus chuckled shaking his head. He had joined us for dinner as I had asked and we were now currently sitting in the living room drinking wine while Kat headed upstairs to put Savannah down since it was currently 10 and Hayden had already gone to his room an hour after we had finished dinner claiming he had homework to do before going to bed, "your father was shocked that she had actually agreed to go on a date with him seeing as he was a member of the military and she was part of a wealthy family. I've know Alessandro for many years before he joined the Marines and he when he called me that night when he got back to his apartment he told me that he had met the most beautiful girl he's ever seen in his life. After a few dates, I was able to meet the mysterious girl that he had spoken so much about. Sand goodness was she stunning. She told me how they had met and what pick up line he and used to get her to agree to go on a date and I couldn't help but laugh. Ever since we've known each other, Alessandro was known as the class clown."

"Were my grandparents against it?" I asked and he raised a brow making me roll my eyes, "the people who raised me as their son, I mean, were they against their relationship?"

"Of course they were. They had planned on sending her away to study abroad but she fell ill and then you came into the picture" he replied and I bit the inside of my cheek, "you gave your mother the strength that she had and gave her and your father a purpose in life. After you were born your grandparents lied to him saying that you didn't make it and that Valentina has fallen into a coma. He died not knowing you were alive and that she wasn't in a coma but that she had been ill. Your mother was heartbroken to the point of losing her mind. She loved your father more she ever thought she would love anyone, but you. She loved you just as she loved him because you're his exact replica."

I keep finding more and more reasons to hate Margaret and Angelo the more Marcus tells me about my parents. They were two victims in their sick and twisted games.

"Your grandparents have always wanted a son and when your mother was born they despised her and more so when they knew she was sick and wanted nothing to do with her," Marcus said breaking me out of my thoughts, "so imagine their delight when you were born. They did the illegal adoption while you mother was heavily medicated because according to Angelo and Margaret she was severely ill but when I had gone to see her- a week prior to her passing- she was as healthy as can be and was smiling and telling jokes and everything so imagine my surprise when I got a call from my father telling me that she had died a week after I had seen her"

"You think Angelo and Margaret were keeping her medicated so she didn't try to take me from them, don't you?" I asked and he gave me a small smile, "Why didn't you try finding me? I mean you knew that my mother was killed but you never looked for me and took me in"

"Don't you dare say that, " he said angrily, "I searched for you every day since your mother died but I never found you, I believed your grandparents -even though I knew better than to do so- when they told me that you had died from some bacterial infection when you were two months old. Every day since then, on your birthday, I'd go to that grave and mourn you and talk to you but here you are. Alive and thriving the way your parents would have wanted you to" he said and I could hear and see the pain in his eyes and voice as he spoke and I swallowed the lump in my throat hating myself for even questioning him such a question, "Margaret and Angelo took 27 years of your life away from me and to those who loved your parents. You have a family that loves you, Alexander. A family that your parents had formed with our closest friends. For the past 27 years, we have mourned you, your parents and the family that you would have been if they were still alive"

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