32. Alexander

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"How far are we?" Hayden asked from the backseat as I drove down the dirt path towards the address left on the key chain that my mother left behind. I looked at the time and noticed that we've been on the road for almost an hour and looked at him through the rearview mirror and said

"Not far we should be there in about ten more minutes" he nodded and looked at Savannah, who whined demanding his attention, making me smile before focusing back on the road.

The radio played softly as background noise as Kat looked out the window. She looked stunning as ever. Her dark hair was in a messy bun atop of her head with a few single strands framing her face. Her brown eyes looked at the moving trees with a small smile on her lips. This was the first time we've gone outside of the city and I couldn't blame her for being excited. I was just as excited to be away from the busy city. Even Hayden has gotten excited when we told him about us going to the Hamptons where I had a house that had been left by my biological parents.

I looked at the path before me before I made a turn onto a gravel road before coming to a full stop in front of a gate that was open before driving up the cobble path to the entrance where a male was waiting. The male looked up from his phone when ai parked the car next to him before putting the device away while pushing away from the car. He was 5'10 tall with a slim build. He was had dark, tousled hair with topaz eyes that were framed by dark-rimmed glasses that were perched perfectly on top of his nose. He wore a navy suit and a white button-down shirt with black dress shoes.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Storm, I'm Marcus. We spoke on the phone a few hours ago" he greeted with a smile as he extended his hand towards me as in reached him with Kat, Hayden, and Savanah who was gurgling in the car seat that was hooked on Kat's arm.

"That would be me. This is my fiancée, our daughter, and brother in law" I said as I introduced them to the realtor who smiled shaking their hand, "I apologize for having you drive all the way out here to show us the house after I heard about it"

"Don't be, it's understandable to want to see the hoses your parents for you before their untimely passing," he said and I nodded, "do you have the key?"

"Yeah" I replied retrained the key from my pocket and showing it to the man who nodded and unlocked the front door of the house, Okay that's not even the right word to describe the place as it was more of a mansion than a house.

It as made of beige walls with brick roofing. There was a little driveway that led to the parking garage that housed at least four cars. The house was surrounded by trees giving us privacy from the rest of the neighbors. In the middle was a small fountain that held an angel and below was a small flower patch.

The inside was just as stunning as the outside. As we walked further inside, I look up and noticed the ceiling had a beautiful crystal chandelier hanging above our heads. There are two flights of spiral staircases going up to the second floor with a white table in the center with an assortment of white and yellow flowers. The floor was made of white tile.

"This is so not a house," I heard Hayden whispered as we followed the realtor down the hall that was in the center of the staircase. He led us to the first room in the left which happened to be the kitchen. The room was made of white walls with stainless steel appliances. In the middle, was an island made of white and gray marble. There was a door leading to another room and she led us over and I was blown away. The room was made of beige walls with floor to ceiling.

"This is the dining room," the realtor, Marcus, said as he showed as the room. The ceiling had beautiful designs.

"How many rooms does this house have?" Kat asked and the male smiled as he led us down the hall again towards what I believe is the living room

"There are about eight bedrooms. Each has their own bathroom and theme to them" he answered before he pushed open two double glass doors and Hayden practically fell over. The room was incredible.

"As you can guess, this is the living room/family room," Marcus said as we looked around. I was blown away. The walls were a soft crème color that was accentuated with reds and gold. There was a window the overlooked the back. There was a beautiful garden with all sorts of flowers. There was also a pool that took most of the space with lounge chairs scattered around. There was also a small table with four chairs in the corner as well as a bonfire pit of to the side.

"Would you like me to show you upstairs?" He asked and we nodded before following after him and climbed the steps to the second floor.

"What do you think of the place so far?" I asked whispered and Kat smiled

"It beautiful" She replied and I smiled, kissing bet temple before we entered the room the male had and Kat gasped as we stared at the room.

The master bedroom was breathtaking. It was made of soft tones from an off white to gold and tan. There was also a small sitting area across the bed and to the side of the bed were a set of double doors that led to the balcony where there were a couple of chairs and a table where I can see myself working from home or just having a drink with Kat after a long day of work.

"This is beautiful" Kat murmured and I smiled nodding

"Wait until you see the closet" Marcus, said and led us to the closet and I heard Hayden make an inhuman nose before he walked to the center of the room and looked up turning in circles making Kat and I chuckle as he gaped at the sight of the room. It was huge with a wall dividing into four sections with built-in shoe racks. It had a beautiful chandelier in the center with several glass lights along the edges of the clothes racks.

"Oh my god" Hayden whispered in awe, "I can live on this room" We chuckled at his comment making the teen blush before Marcus looked over at us

"Let's go see the rest of the house," he said and we nodded. We saw the rest of the house including the guest house that was just down a small stone path that was two floors but had three rooms, a two and a half bathroom, a small dining room/kitchen and a living room.

"As you already know, this house was left for you by Mr. De Luca and Miss Valentina Storm," the realtor said as we sat on the island and I nodded, "I knew them on a personal and business level"

"What do you mean?" I asked and he smiled, "how did you know them?"

"Alessandro was my best friend before he died and together with Valentina contacted my father to help them buy this house. My father had told me that you would be coming to claim the house one day and I wish he was still alive to see you. You look just like them you know? You've got Valentina's eyes and hair while you got Alessandro's smile and nose. You're a perfect combination of both of them" he explained and I swallowed the knot in my throat, "you've grown to be quite the young man that your partner had wanted you to be. They would be very proud of you Alexander. Because I am. I wish I had been there for you growing up, Alexander, it would have been something your parents would have wanted"

I felt a hand on my lap and looked down at Kat who smiled before she looked over at Marcus saying, "Why don't you join us for dinner?"

Marcus was taken aback by my fiancée's question and looked over at me and I nodded, "please? I want to know more about my parents and since you were a good friend of them I can put the missing piece together that are missing"

I saw him smile before he nodded, "I'd like that very much"

"Great, see you tonight then?" I asked as I wrote down our address and he nodded. We exchanged a hug and for once in my life, I actually felt like I was close to my parents.

"See you tonight kid," he said and I chuckled shaking my head as we made our way back to our parked cars. Hayden and Kat climbed the car after she placed Savannah's car seat back on its base.

We exchanged a few words we went our separate ways and I climbed the driver's seat turning the car on, "Ready?"


an so here's a new update guys I'm so sorry for the lack of updating, I've been having writer's block and I finally got my writing juices flowing so hope you guys like it and don't forget to leave a vote/fan



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