25. Katerina

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"I don't think I'm going to make it to the hospital" I whimpered as the strong urge to push became overpowering and I took a deep breath in order to ease the pain

"Okay, shit, okay take your leggings off," Alex said as he too realized that we weren't going to make it to the hospital with how close these contractions became in the short time since my water broke. I reached under the waistband of my leggings and pulled them down, and clenched my eyes as I felt another contraction start and took a deep breath and once it was I scored over so I was nearly hanging off the seat and when another contraction began, I pushed.

"You're doing good baby, okay take deep breaths," Alex said as he drove as fast but as gently as he could to the hospital that was ten minutes away. I remembered the doctor's instruction in case any of this happened when we weren't able to get to the hospital on time and counted to ten at every push until I finally felt the head come out and I could feel my eye sting.

"Okay, we're almost there love," Alex said as I pushed one last time before the loud wail of our daughter filled the car and I held her against my naked chest and let the tears roll down my cheeks.

"God she's perfect Alex" I murmured as I held her small body against mine

"Of course she is. She's like her mother" He replied just as he pulled into the hospital. I gave him a tired smile as he parked the car and reached over to grab the diaper bag that we always had in the car in case I went into labor and wrapped it around the baby's body. I looked out the window to a nurse with a gurney already waiting for us outside and when Alex opened the door to pick me up the woman walked over with turn gurney and he laid me down on it before reaching down to grab something off the floor with another blanket and wrapped it up.

"She couldn't wait to meet the world huh?" The older lady said as she wheeled us inside with Alex trailing next to us.

"Call the family and let them know she's here" I murmured and Alex nodded. We reached a room shortly after and the nurse took the baby from me and took her over to the heating bed in the corner and proceeded to check her over just as the doctor walked in first going to check on the baby before walking over to us.

"Congratulations on the birth" Doctor Sanchez said as she sat down on a chair and rolled it towards the end of the bed, "When you delivered did anything else come out?"

"Uh, yeah actually," Alex said as he handed the blood-soaked blanket to the doctor who nodded and looked at it before handing it to the nurse who disposed of it I think, I'm not sure.

"Well, you did a good job of delivering your daughter. You've got one healthy and beautiful baby girl" doctor Sanchez said with a smile that Alex and I returned

"So everything's good?" I asked and she nodded

"Yes, Katerina, everything is good with your baby girl" she replied as the nurse walked over to the sink with our daughter wrapped in a clean blanket to wash her hair making her break in wails.  A knock on the door sounded a moment later before it was being opened to show us, my family.

My parents went to the sink to watch our baby get her first wash while my siblings and brother-in-law walked over to us congratulating us on the birth.

"I can't believe you had your baby in the car" Mar said as she rubbed her belly, she still had four months to go before she welcomed her son.

"Tell me about it. We had finished having a meeting with the interior designer and not even five minutes after we got in the car did I start having contractions and I thought they were Braxton hicks like I've had last week but nope, my water broke two seconds after the first contraction" I said as I looked over at my parents coo over their first grandchild.

"Damn that fast?" Jayden asked and I nodded

"Right after my water broke the contractions became more frequent and they hurt like hell. We called the hospital to let them know we were on our way." I said and they looked at Alex who rolled his eyes, "Sorry by the way babe"

"Not your fault the little one decided to grace us with her presence when were only five minutes away from the hospital" Alex replied with a shake of his head but a smile was on his face as he looked up when the nurse carrying our baby and my parents walked towards us.

"Sweetheart, she's beautiful" mom gushed as the nurse laid her in my arms where she sniffed at my skin before settling down once again like she had when we arrived.

"How much did she weigh?" I asked the nurse who walked over to the whiteboard

"She weighed 6 pounds on the dot and measured 17.5 inches" she replied while also writing it on the board along with the time of birth which was a little after 6 pm, "Have you decide on a name yet?"

"No, we'll let you know once we do" Alex answered and she nodded before excusing herself leaving us alone with my family and daughter.

"Did you call your siblings?" I asked looking at Alex who nodded and just then another knock on the door sounded before it was opened revealing Alex's sisters and a brother.

"Hey," John greeted us with a smile while his sisters walked over, gushing over the baby in my arms

"She's absolutely beautiful, Alex" Ella murmured

"She's got your nose" Vanessa added without taking her eyes off of the sleeping newborn in my arms, "Have you guys picked a name yet?"

"Actually I think we have," I said and Alex raised a brow at that and I smiled, "I was thinking of the name Faith"

"That sounds more like a middle name then a first name," Hayden said from his spot next to mom

"How about Savannah? I was playing with names that would go with Faith and Savannah sounded the best with it" Maribel said and I worked the name around and sure enough Savannah Faith sounded better than Faith Michelle.

"That actually sounds better. I was thinking of the name Michelle but Savannah works better with Faith" I replied and she fist-bumped making everyone laugh.

"Did you call mom and dad to tell them about the birth?" Ella asked Alex who sighed

"They told me that they'll only ever talk to me if I left Kat and the baby so no, I didn't tell them about the birth" he replied and his sister nodded changing the subject

"Heard you sued them for taking your clients," Vanessa said with a smirk and Alex nodded

"David and I sued them and the clients" Alex replied. I yawned and blinked my eyes to stay awake but the events of a few hours ago have finally caught up to me and my body felt drained.

"Here I'll take her," Alex said as he noticed and I smiled letting him carefully take Savannah into his arms, "get some rest, we'll be here when you wake up" I yawned again and got as comfortable as I could in the small bed and let my eyes close. I could hear my family, Alex's siblings and him quietly talking before sleep fully took me under and I was engulfed in darkness.

Savannah Faith Storm, one hell of a name for one beautiful baby girl. She's not even an hour old and she's already got everyone wrapped around her little finger. Something tells me that she going to be a handful when she's older and that Alex will be the overprotective father and will forbid her from dating until she's 20. Still can't believe we're parents, it'll take time to get used to the idea that there's a small human that depends on us for everything but I know we'll be okay. We always are.

an eep the baby is here what do you guys think of the chapter? Do you like the name? Let me know in the comment section....also if you haven't already noticed but I have entered this book to the 2019 Watty awards and it would mean the absolute world to me if you went and voted ❤️ any who the next update will be up tomorrow hopefully but idk so keep an eye out for it.



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