7. Katerina

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"Why are you looking at me that way?" I asked Alex as we sat across each other at the cafe down from the doctor's

"What are you talking about?" He asked with a raised brow making me narrow my eyes at him and I could see a smile fighting its way into his face

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," I said and he just chuckled shaking his head before he sat up and leaned forwards on the table which had me raising my brows

"Is it a crime to admire your beauty?" He asked and I blinked as I felt my face heat up with a blush making him smile as he raised his hand towards me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. The cafe was buzzing with chatter all around as the smell of coffee and baked goods wafted through the air. We were sitting in the furthest part of the building away from prying eyes. I could see people walking outside as snow fell from the sky as snow covered the ground in a white sheet.

"Is that your way of flirting?" I asked with a raised brow as he sat back against his chair

"Did it work?" He teased making me roll my eyes with a shake of my head and a smile working its way onto my face that he mirrored

"I think you need a little more work," I said making him chuckle

"Then go out on a date with me tomorrow night," he said making me choke on my muffin and he looked panicked as he handed me my drink and I took a few sips before looking up at him with wide eyes

"What?" Was my stupid reply and he bit his lip

"Go on a date with me tomorrow night. I want to know you better. I mean we've known each other for a few years but I want to know more about you" he repeated and I swallowed the knot in my throat and contemplated my reply

"Does this have anything to do with the fact that we're having a baby together?" I asked and he frowned before shaking his head

"No. I've been wanting to ask you out on a date for a long time but I always ended up chickening it out and when I saw you in the morning four weeks ago after we had slept together bright out those hidden feelings I had for you for years" He replies and I blinked in shock at his reply because I wasn't expecting him to say all that, he gave me a small smile and sighed shaking his head, "I don't want what happened between us to be a one-time thing, Katt. I like you and I want to get to know you. I want to learn more about you then what you let people see."

"Are you just saying that because I'm pregnant?" I asked and he shook his head leaning back on his chair and I furrowed my brows, "Then why? Why after all this time did you wait to tell me your feelings?"

"How could I? You were in a relationship already Katerina" he replied with a shrug and I pursued my lips

"Why didn't you tell me?"I questioned and he smiled, a small sad filled smile that had my heart breaking

"Remember the night at the party your parents threw?" he said and I nodded, "And remember what I told you before I left with my parents at the end of the night?"

I was confused at his questioned trying to remember his words and he sighed softly chuckling making me look at him, "Of course you wouldn't remember them. It happened nearly six-year go when I told you that one day when you were old enough that I'd make you my wife" 

"What?" I asked confused and he smiled

"I told you that night that I liked you but you were only 17 at the time while I was 22. You captivated me the very second that I met you when David introduced me to your family at our college graduation. God I never expected to fall for my best friend's little sister and yet that's exactly what happened" He said and I swallowed the knot in my throat as his words began to turn a switch in my brain, "we danced a few songs before we walked outside to the garden where we talked for a few minutes before we headed inside"

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