30. Alexander

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"Mr. Storm?" Elle asked knocking on my door before she opened the door and poked her head in making me look up, "There's a Mr. Thomas here to see you"

I nodded saying, "let him through Elle, and before you go, don't let anyone pass unless it's David, Katerina and Hayden understood?"

"Of course" She replied before moving aside to let Aiden through who nodded and thanked Elle before she closed the door behind her once he was inside

"Hello, Alex" he greeted with his signature smirk making me roll my eyes

"Hello, Aiden" I greeted back as he walked over to my desk and looked around the room

"You've got a nice place" he stated and I raised a brow sitting down on top of my desk with my arms crossed and he smirked before sighing, "but I didn't just come here to marvel at your office though"

"I figured as much since you only ever show up if you need something or have something to give, so which one is this time?"

"I'm here to give you something. Remember when you asked me to dig around at your family?" I nodded at his question, it's been a little over four months since I had contacted him to do some research on my parents and asked him to get back to me when he found anything. I always had my suspicion that my parents were hiding something from me, especially when my father always called me a bastard, which doesn't affect me in the least, but still, I needed to know why he never saw me as anything more than the competition and a rival instead of his son, "well I found something. Here" I pushed from my desk and took the envelope he held out for me, "everything you need to know about yourself and your parents is in there"

"How long did it take you to gather all this?" I asked and he sighed but replied either way,

"I began the second you asked me to dig into your parents' background and in order to do that I had to travel back in time to their births before I could figure out where you came into place" I nodded and looked down before pulling back papers out, "I also did DNA tests on the blood sample you gave me of yourself along with the blood and hair samples from both Margaret and Angelo."

Angelo and Margaret, shared only a 25% percent of their DNA with me making them not my biological parents which confused me. How can we only share that little? Who were my biological parents then? I continued to read down to see that I shared 50% percent of my DNA with a sister that had passed away when I was only 5 months old and 50% with an unknown male.

"Who's the unknown male?" I questioned

"Keep reading, Alex, his name will be revealed soon" he stated and I sighed but kept reading.

I went through every piece of information that Aiden had found before I came to two letters one addressed to me and one addressed to Katerina, even if her name isn't written on the envelope, by my biological mother, Valentina. I cleared my throat before ripping the envelope open. There were two pictures in the letter.

This little girl had no idea what her life would look like. Who would she become? Would she make a difference in the world? Would she be able to learn unconditional love? What challenges would be on her journey? This little girl, at this tender age, was living for the moment. Joyful, happy, engaging and open. Yes, this little girl was full of life and everything it had to offer. Little did she know that in a few short years... she would meet the love of her life, the greatest gift she ever received, and her greatest teacher, all at the same time.

Fast forward about 15 years, and April 26, 1992, this little girl meets this little boy. This will be the boy to change this little girl's life. This little boy has now become the teacher. Truth be told, he began teaching almost instantaneously. This little boy, named Alexander Elijah began teaching me while still in the womb. Most kids do I think. If we are really listening. He began to teach me then, that all of the emotions I was having, all of the fear I was carrying in my body was unhealthy, that it needed to come out, but I didn't understand, I wasn't listening.

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