17. Katerina

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"You're having a healthy baby...." the doctor said as she moved the wand around but shook her head with a chuckle when she couldn't get a good look, "a very healthy and stubborn baby"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked as we looked at the screen as she moved the wand around

"What I mean is that your baby doesn't want to show us what they'll be at the moment" she replied and we frowned, "they have their legs closed" she pointed at the screen and sure enough, on the screen, the baby was in a fetal position with its legs closed preventing the doctor from seeing what they'll be.

"I take the blame in that" Alex said and we looked at him and he chuckled, "my mom said I was stubborn and wish that I'd let the doctor see what they were having when my mom was expecting me. They had to wait until I was born to know"

"Well if it comes down to that then there's nothing we can really do about it," I said and the doctor smiled before moving the wand one more time before exclaiming

"Finally" we looked at the screen and the baby had its legs open giving the doctor a good view

"So what is it doc?" Alex asked and the doctor smiled

"You're having a healthy baby girl, congratulations" she replied and we beamed at each other as our eyes filled with tears. A girl. We're having a healthy baby girl and I didn't think my heart could swell so much with love as I did that very second.

"Are you sure it's a girl?" Alex asked as he threaded his fingers through my hair in a soothing way as we looked at the screen and the doctor nodded

"Yes. See here" she asked as she pointed to the screen and we nodded, "this shows that's she's a girl" and after a few more questions, I wiped the gel off my stomach and sat up with the help of Alex then turned to face the doctor one more time

"When should we return?" I questioned and she hummed checking her calendar

"Two weeks" she replied and we nodded and left to the front office to make an appointment in two weeks before leaving the building.

"Alright, let's get going," Alex said once we were in his car and I nodded and once he was out of the parking lot, he made his way down the road towards his office to gather his things so we could head to my parents home.

"Is your apartment almost done getting renovated?" I asked as he stopped at a red light

"Yeah. I got a call from the contractor and they said it should be done in four weeks" he said and I nodded, "so I was thinking we should go house hunting"

"Really?" I asked and he nodded

"Of course. I mean we're together and we're going to have a daughter so I was thinking we should get our own place of our own instead" he replied and I nodded and that made sense, to be honest. Having a place of our own place was better than living in an apartment even if it's renovated.

"I think it's a good idea" I replied, "we should look for one that's close to both of our jobs though," I said and he nodded as he pulled into his building parking lot and drove to the private sector before parking and turning the car off

"Do you think your parents will be okay with you moving out only to move in with me?"He asked as we and woke way to the elevators and I nodded

"I don't see why they shouldn't. I mean I already told them about our plans of moving in together and they were a bit skeptic at first but eventually, they thought it would be a good idea since we're starting a family and all"

"Alright, it's settled then. Once my apartment is on the market and we find a place we both like we'll move into it and start preparations for the arrival of our daughter" he said as we got off the elevator and walked down the hall towards his office. I ignored the looks from his employees and let Alex lead me to his office where he stopped in front of his new secretary, Elle, who smiled at us when she saw us.

"Good afternoon Mr. Storm, Miss Montgomery" She greeted us and I smiled while Alex nodded his head. Alex had fired his old secretary Jessa, for invading his privacy and always failing to tell him that he had a call from me or David. Alex was fed up with her and fired her two weeks ago when I came by to remind him about the appointment and if he wanted to go out for lunch.

"Hi, Elle, did I get any messages or calls?" Alex asked breaking me out of my thoughts and the petite woman shook her head

"No sir, but I did leave you the contracts that you requested" she replied and Alex nodded before we walked into his office with him closing the door behind us once we were inside,

"Why don't you take a seat while I grab my stuff from my private room?" He asked and I nodded and he walked over to the wall and pressed a button that revealed a room before he walked inside the wall closing once he was inside and I was left to wait in his office. The view from here was breathtaking. The snow had melted and all that was left behind was the view of the grass and roads. Spring was around the corner and I coding wait for u till the flowers bloomed and the trees were covered in leaves. It's crazy to think that in just four months will be welcoming our daughter. I never thought that I'd ever grown a family with Alex yet here I was 22 weeks along with a healthy baby girl on the way. A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts and I looked over my shoulder to see Elle poke her head through

"Yeah?" I asked and she smiled

"Just came to see if you needed anything?"She asked but I shook my head

"Thank you, we're actually on our way out" Alex replied for me as he came out of his room and Elle nodded

"Should I call or email you if you get a call or mail?" She asked once we made our way out but Alex shook his head

"Just take a message or leave a note behind, and I'll check it in the morning when I get in" Alex replied and she nodded

"Okay, have a good rest of your day Mr. Storm and Miss Montgomery," She said as we left the office and made our way back to the elevators

"Thank you too, Elle. And when you're done with that, go home" Alex said and she nodded

"I will"

We climbed the elevator and made our way down to the private parking lot before making our way to his car.

"Ready to have your first night at my parents' house?" I asked

"As ready as I'll ever be"

"You'll be okay" I hope.

an here's new update guys let me know what you guys think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan 

And they're having a baby girl yay, what do you think they should name her? Leave your suggestions and I'll pick the ones I like the best and give you a shootout if I pick the name

anywho next update will be tomorrow



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