16. Alexander

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"Are you ready to go to the doctors?" I asked and Kat smiled and nodded

"Sorry about that by the way," she said and I shook my head

"No need to be sorry. I understand your fear of me cheating and I'm going to do everything in my power to push those away, okay?"

"I know" she replied cupping my face since I was still crouched in front of her, "it's probably just the hormones making me all worked up"

"Still, if you ever feel insecure just talk to me okay?"

"Okay. Now let's get going don't want to be late for our doctor's appointment" she replied and I nodded standing up holding a hand for her to take which she did with a smile. I grabbed her coat from the coat rack and handed it to her while grabbing mine and putting it on. Her belly was already becoming noticeable and it's not surprising considering she was already 22 weeks along.

"How have you been feeling?" I asked as we made our way out of her office and down the hall towards the elevators

"Tired, but it's normal seeing as I'm always up late working on some contracts or sending emails. I won't be coming to the office starting tomorrow by the way" she said and I nodded keeping that in mind

"That's good. I don't want you driving in this weather" I said and she rolled her eyes

"It's not the bad" she argued and I raised a brow as we reached the private parking lot and she gave me a sheepish grin when she noticed the snow-covered ground and I shook my head amused at her reaction, "Okay fine. Just because I'll be home doesn't mean I won't stop working"

"I don't doubt that, love" I replied as I held the door open for her to climb in before closing it and going around doing the same before turning the car and blasting the heater then pulled out of the parking lot before making my trek down the road towards the clinic.

"We'll go to my office after the appointment to get my things," I said and Kat looked over at me surprised that I'd actually stay with her at her parents' house and I raised a brow, "I did tell you that I'd stay with you didn't I? And it's not because I want you to believe me that I'm not hooking up with anyone but because I want to. I didn't stay with you the first few days was because I had a lot of work to do and I didn't want to keep you up with my constant typing and phone calls"

"You don't have to stay with me you know? I was overreacting because of what Maribel said when I told her about you always staying in the office and didn't want to stay with me" she muttered looking down at her hands where she cradled her bump and I shook my head

"I've been meaning to ask you that actually. I knew something was up when I walked in but didn't ask anything because I didn't want you to get upset with me if I accused your siblings of anything without proof" I said and she looked over at me and shook her head

"I shouldn't have gotten upset since my siblings at every protective of especially after what happened between Jericho and me" She replied and I nodded

"that's how I am with my sisters, especially the youngest, Ella, John, and my other sister, Vanessa are just like that as well. It gets on Ella's nerves but she also knows why we are the way we are with her considering she's gotten her heart broken a few times over the course of the years that is until she met her fiancé. We didn't really trust him when they began dating" I said and Kat liked over at me with a raised brow, "When Ella and Tyler, her fiancé, got together we were suspicious of him since we didn't meet the guy for a few months because he was always working and of course Vanessa got in Ella's head saying that he was lying and that he was probably out with some other chick"

"And how did Ella react?" Kat asked as we pulled into the clinics parking lot a few moments later before we climbed out and made our way inside

"She was upset. Telling us that Tyler wasn't that kind of guy and all and we wanted to believe her but how could we if we haven't met him? They were together for a year by that point and we didn't know him. How he was as a person all we really knew was that he was a doctor and has a dog" I replied as we stopped in front of the reception desk

"Hi, I have an appointment with doctor Sanchez"

"Name?" The lady asked

"Katerina Montgomery" Kat replied and the woman nodded as she typed on her computer telling us to take a seat and that a nurse will get us shortly

"But yon did eventually meet him right?" Katrina asked as we sat on the comfy sofas in the waiting area

"Yeah. He came with Ella to the house over for the holidays since they lived in Canada where they both work as doctors, that's how they had met. We learned more about him during the holidays and our assumptions of him were completely wrong. He treated Ella as a princess and was always at her beck and call ready to do anything for her. " I said and she nodded

"She's a very lucky girl to have amazing siblings looking out for her" she stated and I hummed looking down at her as she rubbed her belly making me smile

"You're just as lucky as her Kat. You have siblings that love and want the best for you so I don't blame them, aside from David since he knows me well, for having their suspicions about me" I said and she nodded

"I'm sure once they get to know you they'll change their minds about you" she stated and I smiled grabbing her hand and raising it to my lips and pressing a kiss against her knuckles causing a light blush to coat her cheeks

"Even if they don't like me, the only person I care about at the end of the day is you and the baby" I murmured and her eyes softened as she cupped my face

"David likes you so that should be enough either way," she said making me chuckle

"That's because he's my best friend" I replied and before she could reply we were being called in by a nurse who greeted us with a warm smile asked Kat tog te on the weight machine to get her weight before taking us to an empty room where she asked her questions before informing us that the doctor will be with us shortly then left us alone once again.

"Don't forget that he was pissed and whatevs to murder you when I told him about us sleeping together and you knocking me up?" she said and I hummed

"How can I forget that? He threatened to castrate me for getting you pregnant and told me to step up and be a father which by the way I would've done either way whether he told me to or not. We both made this baby and we're both taking responsibility. As the saying goes, it takes two to tango" I replied making her chuckle and shake her head

"David can be a little bit overbearing but he's a good guy," she said and I nodded

"That is true" I replied just as there was a knock on the door and doctor Sanchez walked in a seconds later

"Hello Kat, Alex. How are you two doing today?" She asked and once we replied she nodded and got to work.

"Alright let's see how this baby is doing shall we?" She asked and we nodded and she had Kat lay down on the bed and lift her shirt up before nearing her bump and writing it in her folder then grabbed a small device and slathered it with gel before pressing it against her stomach moving it around a bit before the sound of a heartbeat filled the room. No matter how many times we hear that sound, it never gets old. My heart swells with pride and love knowing that our baby was growing and was healthy.

"That's one healthy heartbeat," Doctor Sanchez said once she finished the heartbeat checkup, "now if you'd follow me, we'll go do the ultrasound to take the baby's measurements and perhaps we'll be able to what you're having" we nodded and I helped Kat off the bed and followed the doctor across the hall towards the ultrasound room, "alright you can lay down"

A few clicks here and there later the screen was up and in the middle was a blob in the form os small human.

"And there's your baby. It's growing at a healthy rate. The baby is the size of a spaghetti squash. It measures 11 inches and weighs 15 ounces" the doctor said making Kat and I look at each other with smiles

"Would you like to know the sex?" she asked and we nodded

"You're having a healthy baby......"

an here's new update guys let me know what you guys think and don't forget to like/vote

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