26. Alexander

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"Good morning Mr. Storm" Elle greeted with a smile when I walked off the elevator four days later. Katerina and Savannah we're discharged from the hospital two days later and I had taken two additional days off to help her at the house before her mom stepped in to help. It's crazy to think that just four days ago, Katerina was only 38 weeks along and nowhere have a newborn baby in the house.

"Good morning Elle, how are you?" I asked walking the short distance to my office with her trialing behind

"Good, thank you and congratulations on the birth of your daughter by the way," she said and I nodded putting my briefcase down on my chair before removing my suit jacket off and hanging in on the back of the chair before sitting down. The reason why she knows about Savannah's birth was due to the fact that I had called her to let her know that I wouldn't be coming to the office for a couple of days because of Kat going into labor.

"Thank you, so what do you have for me today?" I asked and she checked her iPad

"You have a meeting at 1 O'clock with a Miss Vivian, at 2:30 pm you're meeting with Mr. Montgomery at the construction site and then you're free the rest of the day" she replied and I nodded taking my seat pulling up my email, "Have my parents come in by any chance while I was away?"

"They haven't stopped by but they did call wanting to speak to you about the construction and of course they demanded to know why you failed to inform them about the birth of their first granddaughter" I sighed shaking my head, "I did tell them that the construction belongs to you and Mr. Montgomery after Mr. Giménez and Miss Rogers broke the contract with both you and his company. So I'd be ready for their call any time soon" and Jane as she had finished, the phone began baring and I rolled my eyes but told Elle that she could go get the conference room ready for the meeting while I answered the call, she nodded before walking out of my office closing the door behind her.

"Storm" I greeted and I heard shuffling on the other end before my father's voice filtered through

"When were you going to tell us that the lot that Mr. Giménez and Miss Rogers is now yours?!" He yelled and I could practically see him red-faced and I rolled my eyes

"Why does it matter if I told you or not? Didn't you already start construction of their restaurant?" I asked and smirked when he cursed before my mother's voice was on the other end

"We didn't begin because we haven't found a location yet and we had figured that we would use the location that you and David had found for them" she replied making me laugh

"You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're joking" I chuckled as I stood up pressing the speaker button so I could walk around the desk and stand in front of the floor to ceiling window, "the location that David and I got for them was laid with our money for reasons like these. We knew that we couldn't trust the clients so we bought the lot making them think that they bought it themselves."

"That's bullshit, Alexander!" My father's voice snapped and I chuckled

"I'm not like you two. I actually think before making any decisions that will destroy my company before it even has time to grow. Why do you think my company is the second largest one next to David's? Why do you think people ask for our companies to build their structures instead of yours? We don't take clients to from others and make false promises like you two did with them" and I'd be lying if I wasn't enjoying the fact that my parents were fuming because I was. They deserved to be in this predicament when they decided to take our clients away without even thinking twice what they were going to be doing to them.

The clients would've had their restaurant halfway built had they remained with us but alas they made the decision to break our contract within a 3 month period when they came to us first. "And if you think about taking us to court for the lot then go ahead, but think about what happened when we went to court excuse of Mr. Giménez and Miss Rogers' breach of contract two months ago"

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