40. Alexander

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"I never thought that having so many people over was going to be so exhausting," Katerina said after the last people-David and Xander-left the house after thanksgiving dinner ended. It was currently half past midnight and both Hayden and Savanah were down for the count.

"Well didn't your parents have a lot of people over for the holidays?" I asked as we climbed into bed after checking on Savanah and Hayden- who had been quiet the whole night which was unusual for him-and she shook her head pulling her hair up in a messy bun

"Not like we did. Yes they'd invite some of their business partners but mostly it was us kids and them" she said and I nodded, "but it was nice having them all here"

"I couldn't agree more with you, Angel, it seems that our parents got along pretty well and they even made plans to have lunch tomorrow" I chuckled and she smiled humming,

"It's good that they're making friends, your parents I mean, after everything they've been through it's nice to see them happy and all" she murmured resting her head on my chest and I nodded kissing the top of her head.

Dinner had gone better than either of us expected it. I mean don't get me wrong but my parents weren't used to being around so many people so when they showed up around 7 tonight and saw house filled with Montgomery family members it had been a little overwhelming for them especially for my mother.

"I didn't know she had such a big family" Mom had said when I went to greet them and I raised a brow, "I mean I thought she only had a brother"

"Ahh," I replied finally realizing what she meant. Katerina has been across the room with her parents and Savannah talking about who knows what, David and Xander were in the kitchen looking for drinks while Maribel, Jaylen, Kyle, and Hayden were coming out for the dining room carrying various dishes that Kat and her mother had prepared the before and early in the morning. Ella, John, and Vanessa hadn't arrived yet with Tyler. Marcus, unfortunately, called two days ago to say that he wouldn't be able to make it as he was going to be flying to Colorado to be with his mother who had fallen ill, and I assured him that he had nothing to worry about and that both Kat and I wished his mother a speedy recovery before making plans to reunite once he was back in New York.

"How many of them are there to be exact?" Dad asked looking at the scattered Montgomery family

"You've already met Hayden," I said pointing to the youngest of the bunch and they nodded, "he's the youngest of them. The first one is David who's my business partner, as well as a rival as both of our companies, are on top of the charts. He's the one holding the bottle of beer and the guy next to him is his boyfriend, Xander. After him comes the twins, Maribel who is over there with her husband and newborn son. And over there with Hayden are both Kyle and Jaylen-Jaylen is Maribel's twin brother. Kyle is the one that's holding a pot while Jaylen is holding the cups"

"So that's a total of 6?" mom asked with a blink of her eyes as a surprise was clear on both her and dad's faces and I nodded

"Her parents don't look that old" Dad commented and I nodded, "they must have been very young when they got together to have so many children that look as if they're their siblings instead of their kids"

I chuckled at that but nodded nonetheless not wanting to really say how old they were when they first got together since I've heard stories from them about how people had looked at them as if they had grown a second head when they would say that they were only 5 years apart. I mean, in their time I don't think it was that wrong to be tighter since I heard from Angelo they his parents had gotten hitched when my great-grandmother was 14 and great-grandfather was 23. Heck, I've seen it with my own eyes how they're are girls in their teens dating guys that are ten even 20 years older than them and I don't comment.

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