18. Alexander

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"Ready?" Katerina asked as we parked in her parents' driveway a few moments later and I took a deep began before nodding, "it's going to okay. My dad and brothers, aside from Hayden and David, will ask you a few questions but other than that I'm sure dinner will go okay" she added trying to reassure me but I only shook my head with a smile

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine" I said and she bit her lip before sighing and nodding

"Okay, then, let's go. I'm sure they're all waiting for us" she said before getting out of the car with me following behind her with my briefcase and suitcase then followed her up the driveway to the front door. I heard the lock click before Katerina pushed the door open and walked in with me trailing behind her, "You can put those there for now"I nodded and placed both my suitcase and brief car down on the sofa before following her into the dining room where we heard loud chatter making them all lookup.

"Oh, hello," her mom said as she walked over with a smile wiping her hands on an apron

"Hi mama" Katrina greeted her with a smile and kiss on the cheek making her mother smile before she faded me, "I hope it's okay that Alex came over. He'll be staying here until we get our own place if that's okay"

"Of course it is honey. It's good to see you again, Alex" she said with a smile that returned as I held my hand for a shake but she swatted it away and pulled me in for a hug

"It's good to see you again, Mrs. Montgomery" I replied only to give her a sheepish grin when she raised a brow, "I mean Addison"

"That's more like it" she replied, "now why don't you two wash up and then come join us"

"Okay" we replied and I followed Katerina over to the sink and washed my hands before drying them off on the rag she handed me then we both walked over to the table and sat down across her parents with her siblings taking their places around us.

"It's good to see you again, Alex," Liam said as he cut into his steak and I nodded

"It's good to see you as well sir" I replied as I cut into my own steak.

"I heard you and David are working together on a project is that correct?" He questioned and I nodded

"That's right. We're working on a restaurant downtown. We were supposed to begin construction last week but our clients decided at the last minute to change their plan on the building so we had to remake the blueprint." I answered

"Clients can be a pain in the ass," David said

The rest of dinner went by quickly and before I knew it, Hayden and Maribel were helping Addison clear the table while David, Kyle, Jaylen and Liam walked out of the kitchen and Katerina led me after them

"Want to go change?" She asked and I nodded and so we grabbed my stuff that I left by the door and climbed the stairs and made our way down the hall towards her room, "Alright, and here we are"

I was immediately drawn to the way Katerina's room looked. It had a queen-sized bed with créame colored sheets with a gray backboard. On the far left side of the room, there were two floor to ceiling open windows with matching gray and créame curtains allowing the setting sun to creep in. To the side of the windows, there was a large bookshelf that held all types of books from business to novels. There was a medium-sized computer desk to the far right with a black laptop on top. It was neatly organized with a printer on the side. Picture frames were laid out on the small shelve on the desk

"Sorry if it's not to your liking" Katerina apologized from my side but I shook my head saying

"I actually like it so don't be sorry"

"Are you sure? I can get new bedding to fit your style" she suggested but I turned to face her cupping her face

"This is okay Kat, I promise"

"Okay. Um, if you want to shower you can go ahead. Just leave your dirty clothes out so I can take them down to the laundry room to wash tomorrow" she said and I smiled nodding

"Alright. I'll meet you downstairs in a bit then?" I asked and she nodded

"Yeah" she answered and I nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before she walked out closing the door behind her, leaving me on my own. I sighed and grabbed my suitcase and opened it before grabbing a pair of gray sweatpants and a black v-neck along with a pair of clean boxers and towels. I walked over to the first door I saw and was relieved to see the bathroom. And once again was amazed by it. The bathroom was spacious with a white porcelain tub in the center with dark wood counters on the left with a walk-in shower on right. There was a floor to ceiling window across the room that had the curtains drawn and when I went I look outside I saw the backyard where there was a pool light up with lights on around the edges. Shaking my head, I set my stuff down on the small chair by the window before getting I undressed.

After twenty minutes under the water, I washed my hair and body before rinsing off and shutting the water off. I reached over and grabbed my towel and tied off before getting dressed. Just as I was towel drying my hair, there was a knock on the door followed by Katerina's voice

"Alex?" She called

"Yeah?" I asked

"Are you done? My dad wants to speak with you" she said and she sounded irritated and I raised a brow and unlocked the door before opening it to see her frowning

"What's wrong?"

"My dad" she groaned throwing her hands in the air making me chuckle

"I'm sure it's nothing love" I assured her and she sighed

"Dirty clothes?" She asked holding her hands up but I shook my head, "just hand them over"

"I'll take them down to the laundry room, you, on the other hand, take a nice and relaxing bath while I go speak with your dad," I said holding the door open for her and she sighed but walked in nonetheless and I filed her over to the tub and turned the water on and let it fill while she got undressed. Her belly on full display making me smile.

"Anything hurting ?" I asked and she shook her head

"Not right now. I wasn't on my feet for too long today so they don't hurt and my back doesn't hurt much a bath will help with that though" she said and in nodded standing up and holding my hand for her to take and when she did I helped her in, "Alright I'll let you soak up for a bit while I go see what your dad wants to talk about before coming back to help you out sound good?"

"Yeah" So with that said, I leaned down gave her head a kiss before leaving the bathroom and room altogether with my dirty clothes in hand

"Alex" I looked up at the sound of Liam's voice and nodded, "when you're done with that come to my office I want to speak with you for a bit"


an so here's new update guys let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/ fan. Also, what do you think Liam wants to talk to Alex about? Leave your thoughts



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