12. Alexander

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"How did you and your ex meet?" I asked and Katerina looked pensive for a moment before sighing and sitting up straighter in her seat

"Jericho and I met my first year of college" she began and I nodded, "it was a weird encounter though"


"he was always at the same places I was but I didn't think much of it" she replied with a shrug and I nodded waiting for her to continue which she did after taking a sip of her hot cocoa, "one day about into jumping into each other at a café downtown, we began talking and became friends but after about a year we got closer and eventually began dating"

"And why did things end with him?" I asked and she bit her lip as she looked down at her cup

"He broke it off with me three months ago claiming he didn't want to keep leading me on and that his feelings for me had changed and that our relationship wasn't working" she replied and I furrowed my brows as I can remember clearly just how in love they had been when I met him two years ago at David's birthday and hearing Katerina says that confused me.

"I could have sworn you two were heading to the alter when I met him two years ago on David's birthday" I commented making her smile as she looked up at me

"I thought the same thing but in a way, I'm glad that we ended our relationship since my feelings were not the same as they had been two years ago," she said and I raised a brow making her chuckle as she shook her head with a smile, "Jericho was different than the person I had met and eventually fallen in love with and I could feel us drifting apart for months leading up to him eventually calling off our relationship" I nodded and I looked up when I felt eyes on us and saw the same guy from walker staring at us and furrowed my brows as he looked familiar yet I couldn't place where I've seen him before

"Who are you looking at?" Katerina asked as she turned in her seat and followed my line of vision before turning back around rolling her eyes, "Don't look"

"Why?" I asked with furrowed brows and she leaned forward making me so the same before whispering

"That's my ex. He's been staring at us since we got here"

"That's the famous Jericho?" I whispered and she nodded, "no wonder he looked familiar."

He looked different from the guy I met two years ago. His hair was no longer styled to perfection but instead is was ruffled as if he had just gotten out of bed and ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times and he didn't dress in suits either instead he had on a pair of tank pants, a green blazer, and black shoes.

"He looks different" I commented and she sighed

"Ever since our break up, Jericho has been working different jobs after he quit the company," she said


"Why what?"

"Why did he quit the company? Wasn't he like one of the computer engineers there?" I asked and she nodded

"He was but he didn't want to bump into me on a daily since I'm usually at the office after classes or when I don't have classes" she answered

"And yet he went to your office to talk" I deadpanned making her smile

"Yeah, he did. He wanted to know is I was dating you" she commented and okay that was unexpected

"And what did you tell him?"

"I told him that my personal business is none of his concern since we weren't together anymore" she replied and I nodded since she was right no one needs to know your personal life unless you yourself talk about it.

"That's very true" I agreed and she smiled before drinking her hot cocoa while I grabbed my phone as I felt it buzz making her raise a brow, "I'll be a minute" she nodded and I stood up from my seat and walked away leaving her at the table on her own for a few minutes as I picked the call, "What is it, Jessa?"

"Sorry to interrupt you Mr. Storm but there's a Miss Kara here demanding to speak with you and I told her you were unavailable for the day but she won't leave" Jessa replied and I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose at the mention of Kara. Kara and I had a small fling a few years ago before I moved to Spain and married Soledad and I haven't seen nor spoken with her since so hearing her name wasn't something I was expecting.

"Did she say why she needed to see me?"

"No. She won't tell me and refuses to leave your office"

"Tell her she needs to leave and that I will call her once I get home and if she still refuses then call security"

"Okay" I sighed and hung up the phone before putting it away and walking to the table and Katerina looked up with a raised brow

"Everything okay?" She asked and I sighed shaking my head making her furrow her brows, "what's wrong?" And just as I was about to reply, a familiar figure walked up to us and greeted her making Katerina look up and raise a brow, "what do you want Jericho?"

"Can we talk?" Jericho asked looking at her with hopeful eyes glancing at me for a split second

"About what?" She replied adding "And whatever you need to talk to me about you can do it in front of him" She motioned towards me

"I'd rather it be private" he replied

"And like I said a while back when you came to my office, we have nothing to talk about and if you need to speak, then do it in front of Alex, we don't keep things from each other and what you tell me I'll tell him"

"I want us to get back together.I made a mistake in breaking up with you" Jericho said and Katerina rolled her eyes

"Not this again Jericho," she said sounding exasperated with his statement, "The answer is and will always be no. I'm already seeing someone though we haven't made it official yet" she replied looking at me and he followed her line of vision to me and I raised a brow at him and he rolled his eyes turning back to Katerina

"Seriously? Did you really go for him? New York's playboy?" He asked

"And if so, how is that any of your concern? You broke up with me because and I quote 'This relationship is not going anywhere and it's better if we go our separate ways' or at least something along those lines"

"As I said, I was stupid and I want to be with you," Jericho said

"And like I said, I don't want to get back with you. I've moved on and so should you" Katrina said and just as he was about to say something else my brother aka the diner's owner walked over

"Is there a problem here?" John asked and looked between the three of us with raised brows

"No, Katerina and I were just leaving," I told him and he nodded, "but you should keep an eye on your employee's little brother unless you want them to run your costumers off" I looked at Jericho when I spoke and his eyes widened making me smirk before grabbing my coat and helped Katerina up from her seat and into her own coat. John excused himself and Jericho after we exchanged a few more words then I lead Katerina out of the diner and into my car turning the heat on as soon as we climbed in.

"So we're together now?" I asked once we were seated and she rolled her eyes but I saw a smile fight it's way into her face

"Unless you don't want t-"she began to reply but I cut her off by leaning over and capturing her lips with mine in a soft kiss

"Does that answer your question?" I asked pulling back a few inches so our foreheads touched and locked eyes with her


an here's a new chapter let me know what you guys think and I apologize for it not being good but yeah let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan



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