27. Katerina

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Alex and I walked into our room where he gently pressed my back against the wall before his lips pressed against mine.

"God I've been wanting to do this all day" his breath fanned against my skin making goosebumps rise and I swallowed the knot in my throat. It's been six weeks since Savanna was born and since Hayden had moved in with us. Alex has been busy with work while I've been catching up in my college courses and work, which gave us little to no time together.

"I've missed having you against me" I whispered. Wrapping his arms around me, he took my mouth with his tongue then teeth as he pulled on my lower lip. He leaned down and licked my neck, stopping at the pulse point before capturing the lobe of my ear.

"Have I told you that I love this dress," he said as he unzipped it, "even better on the floor?" Within seconds, it was pooled around my feet, and I was standing in front of him in only tiny lace panties and my shoes. He stared at me until I blushed. "Beautiful."

As his lips covered mine again, I opened for him, welcoming his tongue, greeting it with mine. He bent down and ground into me with an urgency that was raw, his pubic bone creating delicious friction on my clit. I cried into his mouth as he deepened the kiss.

His lips crushed mine, seeking and searching, punishing and soothing all at once. Our tongues met for dance as ageless as time. I sucked on his, and he moaned, the rumble reverberating down my body. I loved that I could affect him too. It made me brave.
With a pounding heart, I pushed his jacket from his shoulders, then I worked the buttons of his shirt. It was soon gone, and I could feel his skin. Warmth and rippling muscle. All man under my fingertips.

He worked the zipper of his pants, but I pushed his fingers away. "Let me." He stepped out of his shoes as the pants and belt joined the puddle of clothes.

His erection tented his boxers, and I wanted to feel him, taste him. I began to sink to my knees, taking his boxers down with me, when he stopped me, yanking me up and tossing me onto the bed.

Like a predatory animal, he climbed up my body, licking his way up my legs and belly, stopping to circle each breast before again finding my mouth. He kissed me hard, holding my hands above my head. "Tell me what you want."

Where did I start?

I licked my lips. "I want you"

He growled and slid the rest of the way up my body until he was planting a knee on each side of my head. He stroked himself just inches from my face. "You want this?"

I nodded.

"Tell me."

"I want your cock."


He was going to make me say it. "In my mouth."

One side of his mouth lifted, and with a last long stroke, he lowered his length to feed me.
When he pressed the tip to my lips, I opened them gladly, eager to accept his offer. His taste exploded on my tongue as he pulsed very gently in and out. I grabbed his ass, pulling him harder into me, wanting more. Refusing to gag, I took him into my throat, looking up into his eyes as he watched from above. His face was strained as he battled to not hurt me, giving me short intervals to breathe.

I didn't want to breathe.

I wanted him. All of him.

And nearly cried out when he pulled away.
Immediately, I missed the weight of him on my tongue, but his cock was soon replaced with his lips. "You're driving me crazy," he whispered. "I don't want to come yet. I want this to last." His hand traveled to my breast to play with a nipple, squeezing just hard enough for me to feel it. I groaned, and he squeezed again. "Pain enhances pleasure."

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