37. Katerina

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I sat in the passenger's seat of Alex's car as he drove down the road towards the house. Ella was in the backseat sandwiched between Vanesa and John as she slept. She had cried herself to exhaustion as we left the courtroom after Angelo and Margaret has been found guilty of all crimes they commented from drugging their oldest daughter and illegally adopting their son to money laundering. Who knew that they had to keep so much from their children? It had been a shocker of the century when we heard every crime there committed.

"What will happen now?" I had asked as we watched as Vanessa and John led Ella to his career as they had driven to the courthouse with us.

"We'll wait to get the date of their sentencing" Alex answered but I shook my head and he raised a brow making me sigh

"What will happen to Ella? She's still a teenager, Alex" I replied and he sighed running no his fingers through his hair

"It's up to her with who she wants to stay with, I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't want to speak with me ever again. If I hadn't pressed charges on them all those months ago then Ella wouldn't be suffering this way" he stated but I shook my head cupping his face making him look at me

"What happened wasn't your fault, Alexander. Who's to see if you hadn't pressed charges on them to let alone placed a restraining order on them that they wish have still been doing all those terrible things they've been charged with" I said and he pursed his lips, "you are her big brother whether you share the same DNA or not. You watched her through her good and bad moments and this will not be an exception. She'll be upset but she'll never hate you"

"Your fiancée is right, son. You did nothing wrong in regards to what had happened here today" we both looked over and saw his biological parents make their way towards us, "everyone in that courtroom today were victims of Margaret and Angelo, including his youngest children. No one but them is to blame for what happened. Angelo and Margaret did this and they will pay"

Alex and I had stood at the top of the steps of the courthouse with Valentina and Alessandro De Luca as they had looked towards the car where John, Vanessa, and Ella were currently waiting for us, "Your sister needs you more than anything right now, Alexander, and whatever you do, don't let her push you away. She'll be in denial but she will still need you to tell her that everything will be okay. That the four do you will get through this together,"

"Your mother is right, Alexander," Alessandro said as he held his wife close to him, "they need you now more than we need you. You grew up with them, and they look to you for guidance and support"

"We have all the time into the world to catch up but right now, they need you" Valentina nodded towards the car where John had currently gotten out looking towards us waiting for us to go and that's what we did. We walked away from Alex's parents but with promises to meet up the following day for lunch to catch up.

"Let's get you guys home" Alex had stated as we climbed in and my heart broke as Ella sobbed in the backseat wanting her parents back.

And that's how we got where we are right now with Alex driving down the empty streets of Brooklyn towards the house. The radio wasn't even playing in the background so I was a rather quiet car ride back. The trees swayed back and forth with the wind shaking their colorful leaves to the ground. Fall was here and that meet winter was only weeks away. Mine and Alex's anniversary was also approaching. It still feels strange that it's been a year since Alex and I got together even of had been a small bump in the road. In the short time we've been together we've been through so much that it blows my mind.

"Would it be okay if we stayed with you?" Vanessa asked breaking the silence

"We don't really want to go there" John added. All three Storm siblings still lived with Angelo and Margaret despite that two of three were grown adults that could get a place of their own. I wouldn't be surprised if Angelo and Margaret have forbidden them to move out.

"Yeah, of course" I turned looking over at them with a smile that they returned even though it didn't quite reach their eyes.

The rest of the ride was silent save for the radio playing softly in the background. I looked down as I felt Alex slip his hand onto mine and have his hand a gentle squeeze that he returned, his eyes on the vacant street. Not long did he pull into our road before pulling out the driveway parking the car next to mine. Alex shut the engine off and got out and we followed after him with John carrying Ella inside.

"Hey, I didn't know when you guys we're good to come home so I ordered some food I left some in the microwave," Hayden said as he walked out from the living room stopping in his tracks when he saw Alex's siblings.

"Sorry for not calling to let you know" I apologized but he smiled shaking his head

"No worries. Savannah just went down for her nap about five minutes ago so I'd suggest you not make too much noise when you go upstairs" he said holding the baby monitor and we nodded with Alex leading his siblings upstairs towards the guest rooms while I led Hayden back to the living room.

"So how did it go?" He asked and I smiled, for a 16-year-old he was the noisiest kid I've ever met in my life, I rolled my eyes shaking my head

"It went well, how did Savannah behave? She wasn't a handle now was she?" I asked

"She was very well behaved only got fussy or cranky when she needed a diaper change, a bottle or when she wanted to be held." He answers and I nodded rubbing my back as exhausting but me like a tidal wave, "why don't you go take a bath while I heat up the food for you all?"

"You don't have to do, H, why don't you go take a breather? You've been home all day with Savannah and I'm sure you would rather be somewhere else than here" I said but he shook his head

"No place is better than being here for my family. Besides, I have work that I need to finish before I get my GED next week" he replied and I smiled. He had begun making online courses since he dropped out of school in his sophomore year. He's a smart kid so he's been taking junior and senior year classes in order to finish school early. Whenever Alex has the time or vice versa we'll help Hayden with some work he doesn't understand since we both graduated high school and had taken the same courses Hayden is currently taking.

"Go on then, go finish your work and then you can join us for movie night how does that sound?" I asked and he beamed nodding his head, leaned over and kissed my cheek before he was up and running towards the stairs nearly knocking Alex down on the way

"Sorry!" He called out and I shook my head with a chuckle and sighed when Alex joined me in the kitchen taking a seat across from me and taking my feet and placing them on his lap before removing my heels and I hummed closing my eyes as he began to massage them

"How's Ella?" I asked opening my eyes to look at him and he smiled softly at me

"She's asleep right now but  she's going to need time to adjust to the fact that her parents are criminals" he answered and I nodded, "I called Valentina and Alessandro while you changing and asked if they'd like to join us for dinner tomorrow night"

"And what did they say?" I asked and he smiled letting me sit up straighter

"They said they'd love to and suggested we get dinner at Queen" he replied and I hummed

"That's fine by me, but what about John, Nessa, and Ella? And Hayden and Savannah?" I asked and he smiled

"They want to meet them as well so we're all going unless John, Ella, and Nessa don't want to join," he said and I nodded

"I know that with today's trial it'll be hard for them but at the same time I think it'll be good for them to get to know the sister they believed was dead and it'll give them a chance to catch up much like with you and them," I said cupping his face and he smiled leaning over and pressing a soft kiss on my lips making me smile, "now why don't we get something to eat before we have our famous movie nights?"

"Sounds perfect"

a/n here's a new update ladies and gents let me know why you all think of the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote/fan and also next update will be up tonight/tomorrow night..how do you think dinner will go? Will Ella, Vanessa, and John join them? And if they do what do you think will be the outcome of such an event? Leave your thoughts in the comments and keep an eye out for be next update.



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