46. Alexander

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"Good morning, Mr. De Luca" Elle greeted with a warm smile as I walked into the office Friday morning

"Morning, Elle, what's my schedule for the day?" I asked as she followed after me into my office

"You have a meeting with Mr. Knox of Knox Constructions from 10 until 11:30 and you'll be meeting with him at Da Andrea. At 10 you are meeting with Mr. Montgomery to look over designs for the hotels, stores, and restaurants which will take you several hours which means you'll be free the rest of the day" she replied checking her tablet and I nodded taking a seat in front of my desk and turning my computer on, "I'll go ahead and bring you your coffee,"

"Thank you, Elle," I replied and she nodded before excusing herself closing the door on her way out and I soon dived into work which took up my entire morning and by 9:45 am, I was gathering my briefcase and jacket before leaving my office with Elle bibbing me a good day since I won't be returning to the office after my meeting with Michael Knox. CEO of Knox Constructions, one of the many construction companies I've been working with since I began my business. If today's meeting goes as planned than that means that Knox Constructions will soon belong to Storm Enterprises. I've been negotiation with him for the past 7 months when I learned he was planning on selling his business here in New York since he's moving to Barcelona and opening a new construction business there.

Anyway, I'm not gonna bore with my meeting with Michale but I will tell you that once we met and talked about the proposition I made we came to an agreement but our legal teams will both meet and go over a few things before he signs over the business to me. I'll be sending a few of my employees to Knox Constructions once the final papers are signed and it's put into my name. I'll also be changing the name of the business to De Luca Constructions and place my dad as the president of the company to run it for me since I'll be busy running my main company.

"So how did your meeting with Knox go?" David asked as we met up in front of the building

"It went pretty good, we came to an agreement and our lawyers will be working on all the legal stuff and then once we both sign the papers the company will be mine and Knox will be on his way to Spain"

"Dude that's great, congrats," he said patting me on the back and I smiled

"Thanks, it's been a real pain in the ass going back and forth for months until we came to a compromise," I said and he nodded

"I know, I remember you mentioning it a couple of times over the past 7 months about how he's been changing the price of the company," he said and I hummed

"You have no idea how much I wanted to just tell him to fuck it and to look for another buyer but I kept declining his price and telling him that the price I offered was final," I said and he nodded, "Knox, seeing that I wasn't going to budge finally asked to think it over so I gave him time and he finally agreed to sell it at the amount I first offered"

"I have no doubt how persuasive you much have been to get him to finally agree and go through with the selling of his company," he said before changing the subject, "alright enough of your new company. I wanted your opinion on this color scheme for one of the hotels, what do you think?"

We had stopped at his office as he will be the main person who will be running the building even though I'll be coming in here once in a while to check how things are going when he can't. I saw many displays posted all around the room. We were currently looking at one design which were all soft colors from an off white to light pink. I tilted my head and glanced at the other designs. They all had different color schemes which I thought was a good idea.

"I honestly like them," I said at the first design he showed me and he nodded, "but I think that instead of this hotel being this color, it should be this one" I added switching the design of two of the hotels around and he nodded in agreement

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