Bonus. Alexander

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7 years. That's how long it's been since I've been married to the most beautiful woman in the world. Who would have thought that coming one night in November of 2019 that my life would be flipped upside down in the best way possible? For sure as hell, not me. I never really thought that coming back from Spain after burying my wife would lead me to reconnect with the woman that I had fallen in love with even is she was 17 years old at the time of our meeting.

Life has been a roller coaster ride. We've had our ups and downs and one of the worst moments in our relationship happened to years ago. I was stupid and reckless. I had recently just got a new investment with a company in California and I had gone out to celebrate while Kat was home due to the fact she was taking care of two toddlers. Needless to say, I had one too many drinks that I blacked out only waking up to a pounding headache and my phone ringing excessively. I don't even know what happened the night before. I was in an I known room which made me frown and I sat up pressing my palms to my eyes.

"Can you please turn that shit off?" A voice next time that didn't belong to my wife asked making me stiffen before I looked to my left to see a woman that I've never seen before stark naked the o my thing covering her was the thin sheet which in turn made me look down at my own naked body. I quickly jumped out of the bed and looked around the room for my clothes as my phone started ringing again. Shit. I had over 20 missed calls, 45 voicemails, and 50 text messages from Hayden, David, and Kat all practically saying the same to call them back to let them know that I was okay.

"What are you doing?" The woman asked as she watched me get dressed once I had recovered my scattered clothes

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I hissed grabbing my jacket and tossing it over my rumpled clothes, "what the fuck happened?"

"You're seriously telling me you don't remember?" She asked dumbfounded and I gave her a deadpanned expression that only made her smile, "we hooked up at your little celebration last night. You were quite drunk and didn't even push me away when I approached you"

"Bullshit," I snarled knowing that I would have done just that and even mention that I'm married. I didn't even wait for her retaliate and left her apartment calling for a can before calling Kat who picked up on the first ring.

"Oh thank God," were her first words not giving me a chance to speak, "where the hell are you, Alex?" I could hear the worry in her voice making my throat clog as tears burned in my eyes.

I knew I couldn't keep what happened from her and so o told her everything that I could remember up until I woke up in some woman's bed naked. I knew the right royally fucked up when I heard her breath hitch on the other end of the line

"Don't come home," she said, voice struggling as I can picture her with tears running down her face and my heart cracked


"I mean it Alexander, don't fucking come home" then the line went dead and I sighed and let the tears roll down my face knowing that I broke the promise I made to her when we got together. I promised her that I'd never cheat on her yet that is exactly what I did.

"Where to sir?" The driver asked breaking me out of my thoughts and I face him the address of the hotel where we had thrown the party to celebrate my new investment. It took us roughly 45 minutes to arrive at The Hilton Hotel and I quickly stepped out thanking and paying the taxi driver before rushing inside.

"Oh, Mr. De Luca, we've been worried about you," one of the receptionists said when they spotted me making me frown, "Your wife has been calling-"

"You have cameras in your bars right?" I asked cutting her off and she blinked but nodded, "I want every video footage of last night and early this morning,"

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