43. Katerina

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I stood in front of the floor to ceiling mirror slowly opened my eyes before letting a small gasp leave my lips. The person staring back at me was not who I recognized. She stood with her hair in an elegant bun upon her head with a diamond-encrusted tiara with a beautiful white veil cascading down her back. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I looked at my reflection in the mirror in a white gorgeous mermaid wedding dress. I know I had picked out that Kim Kardashian dress two days ago but when I went to pay for it, my eyes landed on the dress I was currently wearing. I don't know what tot was about the dress but I just had to get it. So I switched the dress I had picked only moments before and exchanged it for this mermaid dress.

It was a vintage full lace mermaid wedding dress with a sexy sheer v-neck illusion back with buttons going the middle and a beautiful backcourt train tule. It was absolutely breathtaking and I so glad that I had seen it before I paid for the other dress. Behind me stood Hayden and Maribel both of whom had helped me get ready.

"Goodness, Kat, you look absolutely stunning," a voice from the door said and the three of us looked towards the door to see Dad standing in the doorway with a smile as big as the sun thought I could see his eyes watering making me smile before he walked further into the room.

"Doesn't she look like a real-life princess, Dad?" Hayden asked with a giddy smile as he looked at both of us rocking back and forth on his toes

"She does," Dad replied standing in front of me, "I can't believe today you're marrying the man of your dreams,"

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep my lip from quivering as he looked down at me with those eyes of his that held so much love that I couldn't help but smile as my eyes watered, "it still feels surreal,"

"I bet it does. You recently turned 23 and yet you're already taking a big step in your life by marrying Alex," he stated, "but I couldn't be more proud of you, honey,"

"Thank you, Daddy" I murmured and he smiled

"Come on then, don't want to keep that fiancé of yours waiting or else he'll think you're getting cold feet," he stated with a wink making me chuckle and hooked my arm through he and took a deep breath before we left the room and made our way down the hall towards the exit where a white limo waited before climbing in with Hayden and Maribel who held a sleeping Levi in her arms were already seated across from mom who helps Savannah in her lap. With my dad's help, I climbed the limo and sat beside my mother before he closed the door and climbed the front with the driver.

"You look absolutely stunning, sweetie," Mom gushed with a smile making me give her a nervous smile, "nervous?"

"Very," I replied as we drove down the street towards the church where I will soon be marrying the love of my life, "I still can't believe that today is the day that I say I do in front of 500 people," I murmured making my siblings and mother smile

"Well just focus on Alex and no one else," Maribel said and I nodded

"you're wedding is already the talk of town," Hayden said as he looked up from his phone and I raised a brow and he showed me a tweet that sure enough talked about mine and Alex's wedding, "can you believe you two have a huge fan base? Like it's even bigger than Kim and Kanye"

"Who?" Mom asked and Hayden once again explained who Kim and Kanye were and she hummed, "well it's no surprise seeing as they are two very respectable adults with careers that doesn't involve showing half your body or rapping about sex," But before we could comment, the limo came a stop and the front door opened before the back door was being pulled open and Dad showed his face and smiled

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded, I could hear loud screaming and flashes of cameras going off as Dad helped me out of the car before we made our way towards the church where my soon to be husband was waiting.

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