35. Katerina

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"So what's the big news you have to tell us?" Ella asked after dinner ended and we had migrated to the living room. Hayden had taken Savannah to put her down— since she had fallen asleep a little while ago—then to his own room to give us privacy. Alex took a deep breath before he pulled out the letters that his birth parents had written him and they furrowed their brows with John taking the letter addressed to Alex from his father and the girls took the one from his mother.

"Read it," Alex said and they were confused but nonetheless did as he had asked before looking down at the letters and silently reading them to themselves.

"This can't be true," Ella said looking up when she had finished reading, I could see tears well up in her eyes at the mere thought of her parents being killers, "this has to be fake, Alex. Mom and Dad are not murderers"

"Valentina" Vanessa whispered with a frown, "I've heard that name before but I never understood what was so important about that name"

"What do you mean?" John asked handing the letter that was written by Alessandro back to Alex much as Ella had done

"I've heard mom and dad mention that name a few times growing up but I never understood who she was until now. I even asked them about her once and they got so angry with me and demanded I never mention that name again" she said as she sighed tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I dug around behind their backs and found out that they had a daughter named Valentina that supposedly died from an overdose" Alex clenched his jaw at the mere thought of them making a lie up that she died from an overdose when they knew she was killed

"Why have they never mentioned her before? Why has she kept a secret?" Elle asked

"Because they knew that if the truth came out that I'd do everything in my power to make sure they pay for what they did to her," Alex said making them look at him, "she didn't overdose, she was killed. She had beat her illness when I was born and then she relapsed days before she was going to fight for my custody. They adopted me illegally when I was born. She had been medicated so she was not aware of what she was doing until it was too late"

"She could have been lying in that letter, Alex. She could have made up a story so you would hate our parents. She's insane" Ella said making him slam his hands on the coffee table making us jump at the sudden sound

"Don't you dare call my mother insane because she's far from it, Eleanor" Alex snarled at the wide eyes girl across from him, "They killed her because they didn't want to lose their only way out of bankruptcy."

"Bullshit" John hissed getting in his face but Alex only gave a humorless laugh as he sat back down beside me and I laid a hand on his knee to calm him down and he laid his hand on top of mine giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Then be prepared to learn that your parents aren't saints," Alex said as he pulled out his phone before laying it in the table after he scrolled through it for a second and pressing play.

"Tell me something" Alex's voice could be heard a second later, the sound of doors slamming shut in the distance filled the room along with the sound of yelling, water running and keyboards pressed on computers

"What do you want, Alexander?" Angelo's voice spoke up a moment later

"The truth, that's all I want" Alex replied and the Storm siblings listened intently with clenched jaws

"You already know the truth, Alexander, what else could you possibly want to know that you don't already?"

"Everything. I only have bits and pieces so I want the whole truth"

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