Epilogue. Katerina

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It's been 7 wonderful and amazing years since my life was flipped upside down in the best way possible. I don't even want to think of how my life would have been like had Jericho never broke up with me. Would I have eventually ended breaking up with him? Or would we have taken the next step in our relationship and gotten married? I've always imagined married life with him and it's never the way it is now. We would have been miserable if we had gotten married. Our marriage would have eventually ended in divorce. So in a way, I'm glad that Jericho had broken off our relationship when he did even if he did it on the day of our anniversary.

I'm not saying that my relationship with Alex is rainbows and roses because it's not. We have our moments like every other couple. We've had our hardships. Hell, we almost separated at one point two years ago but we worked it out and our relationship has gotten stronger since then. I'll spare you the details of what caused us to almost break up because I truly don't want to relieve that moment of our lives and I'm more than positive neither does Alex.

My parents were still adamant that Hayden either studied business or became a model but Hayden was stubborn as hell and ignored them and majored in interior design with two undergraduates in graphics and architecture. To say our parents were upset would be an understatement because they had actually given Hayden the cold shoulder when he told them that he wanted to become an interior designer, graphic artist, and an architect. I was actually shocked when they decided to flat out ignore him for two months after that. Hayden was upset but at the same time, he was happy that he finally told them what he wanted to do as a life career. Of course, he had everyone's support especially mine and Alex.

"We're very proud of you, H" I had told him giving him the biggest hug that I could manage with my belly in the way

"Like I've said many times before, you have a great talent for art and I have an offer for you" Alex had then said intriguing us all, "how would you like to intern at the company as a graphic designer?"

"HEY!" David whined, "I was going to ask him the same thing,"

We had all laughed at his childish antics.

"I, um, wow" Hayden stuttered in surprise at Alex's offer,

"Just think it over for as long as you want," Alex was quick to reassure my baby brother who was struggling to answer. I could see his conflict as he looked between Alex and our brother and gently cupped his cheek making him lookup

"Think it over as Alex said and when you decide then you can tell him," I said and he bit his lip

"Don't worry about hurting my feelings, H, alright?" David said making him look over at our older brother, "Don't stress over it, either because I know you and I know how you are when under pressure so just think it over and will support you with whatever you decide"

"Okay" Hayden mumbled in reply with a small smile

And needless to say, Hayden decided to intern at Alex's company, and David, as he had said, supported our baby brother's decision. I have never see Hayden so happy then when he came home after his second week working at Storm Enterprises exclaiming that Alex had loved his graphic design for the new hotel that he's building in Chicago.

"You're brother is a genius" Alex had exclaimed later that night when he came home after being in the office all day, "I knew he had talent but my god, his skills are beyond anything I've ever seen"

And to say I was blown away with what I saw on the laptop Alex showed me that night would be an understatement because he was right. The design that Hayden had created was incredible. And as always, Hayden had blushed at being complimented the following morning at breakfast.

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