13. Katerina

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I walked down the familiar building with my heels clicking along the tiled floors. I could hear phones ringing, women and men typing on their keyboards, some taking calls. I could hear whispering from the employees as I made my way down the hall only stopping when I reached the elevator and waited for it to come down.

I grabbed my phone when I felt it buzz and smiled when I saw it was a text from Alex and pressed on the app

From Alex:
Are you here yet?

To Alex:
Yeah, I just arrived. I should be at your office in a few moments

And after he replied back, I placed my phone back in my pocket just as the soft ding of the elevator doors opening sounded and I climbed in. Without Me by Halsey played over the speakers as the elevator went up and I closed my eyes with a sigh. The events of yesterday ran through my mind and I couldn't help but smile. I didn't think that Alex would have agreed for us to be together but he proved me wrong.

The way he has captured my lips cutting me off was unexpected yet I loved every moment of that even if it was for a few seconds. We went to his place after that and just talked about whatever we could think of before he took me home. Of course, when I arrived, my parents and siblings were waiting for me and bombarded me with questions.

"So how did the appointment go?" Mama asked as we gathered in the living room and I smiled

"It went well. The doctors said the baby was growing at a healthy rate and that we may be able to tell the sex in a few weeks time" I replied and she nodded

"Where did you go afterward? I thought you'd be home once you were done at the doctors" Dad said and my siblings all looked at me with knowing glances while Mama rolled her eyed

"Alex and I went to lunch and then his place to talk," I said and he narrowed his eyes, "Nothing happened other than making our relationship official?"

"Wait to hold on, you and Alex are together now?" Maribel asked

"How did that even happen?" Kyle questioned

"Never mind that, don't you think you're moving to fast?" Jaylen asked with a concern

"Jericho didn't care since he got together with some chick a week after he broke up with her" Hayden mumbled and I pursued my lips

"Yes but that doesn't stop him from coming to my office wanting to get back together" I muttered and they all looked at me with the same look, anger

"Why the fuck would he want to do that? He was the one who dumped you" David snapped

"He still thinks he has power over me when in reality he never had it to begin with. You all know how I felt about Alex even before I got with Jericho" I said and they nodded

"You got a point there sis" Mar said and my bothers nodded in agreement making me shake my head

"But back to your relationship with Alex, how did it happen?" Dad asked forgetting about him being upset about me not being home after my appointment. He was as much of a gossip lover than anyone I know.

"As I said, Alex and I went to lunch at his restaurant and we just talked until Jericho came up to our table demanding we talk," I said and they furrowed their brows

"Why was the dickwad there?"Jaylen asked

"He works there" I replied

"Seriously?" Maribel and Kyle asked in unison

"So that's why he was there," Hayden said as a though making us raise a brow at his comment and he rolled his eyes, "I went to the dinner to get something to eat and bumped into him. I didn't even hear him since I had my headphones on until he tapped on my shoulder"

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