33. Katerina

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A knock on the door sounded a few hours after we had arrived home and before I could go and get it, I heard voices coming from the lobby and smiled as they grew louder the closer Alex and Marcus got to the kitchen.

"You have a beautiful home, Alex," Marcus said as he and Alex walked into the kitchen where I was currently working on dinner, "and it's lovely to see you again Miss Montgomery"

"Please, call me Katerina," I said placing the wooden spoon down to extend my hand towards him to shake and he smiled, "welcome to our home. Why don't you show him around while I finish dinner?"

"Of course" Alex replied leaning over and pressing a kiss to my cheek before leading Marcus out to the yard where Hayden was currently sitting on one of the lawn chairs reading one of his favorite books The Mortal Instruments. I shook my head and went back to making the final touches of dinner before turning the stove off and going into the living room to check on Savannah who had gone down for her nap and saw that she was wide awake in the playpen and smiled down at her

"Hi sweet pea" I cooed down at my three months old who only gurgled in reply making me chuckle, "let's get you changed into something clean and comfortable" I walked out of the living room and made my way upstairs to the nursery and got her changed before rejoining Alex, Marcus, and Hayden downstairs in the dining room for dinner.

"There she is," Alex said as soon as my foot landed on the last step and was taking Savannah from me and I shook my head with a chuckle as I watched him walk towards Marcus who looked down at her with a soft smile tracing a finger along with her forehead making her coo

"She looks just like you when you were a baby," the older male said as his eyes looked down at the infant in my fiancé's arms, "and like your lovely fiancé" Alex looked up with a smile

"She's a perfect blend of us both" Alex agreed to make Marcus chuckle 

"That she is" he agreed and I smiled shaking my head before calling them in for dinner before walking towards the sliding doors to call Hayden in

"Time for dinner H" I called and he nodded closing his book not before putting a bookmark to let him know where he had left off before walking back in, placing the book in the counter by the door before washing his hands and helping me set the table.

"Alright, dig in" I stated after we did a prayer

"So I heard that your company, as well as your brother's company, have joined together to build a new casino," Marcus said as we ate and Alex nodded, "how long until it's complete?"

"It shouldn't be long now. Maybe about two to three months tops" I replied and he nodded with Alex adding

"We would've been done around this month before the holidays but we've got a bump on the road but it's been resolved so we're back on track"

"I saw that Margaret and Angelo had filed a lawsuit against you stating that you had stolen the lot where the casino is being built on, is that true?" Marcus asked

"No. His parents lied about that since he and my brother refused to give it to their clients who had been clients of Storm-Montgomery before they were taken by Angelo's company on false promises" Hayden replied even before Alex or I could even open our mouths and we gave him a questioning look making my little brother roll his eyes, "What? It's not like you guys don't keep it to yourselves"

"Of course we do, you just like listening in" I deadpanned making him grin and I shook my head with a chuckle, I swear this kid will be the death of me one day.

"They'd do anything to stay in the limelight that's for sure," Marcus said and we couldn't agree more, "have you spoken to your siblings about you not being siblings yet?"

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