42. Alexander

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"Hey,"I looked up when there was a knock on my office door and saw David poking his head in and raised a brow, "are you almost done?"

"Almost, why?" I asked and he rolled his eyes walking in and closing the door behind him and that's when I noticed he was dressed differently from a few hours ago when we visited the construction site to see how it was going. Instead of wearing his gray two piece tuxedo with a white button down shirt and black dress shoes, he was wearing a three piece navy blue tuxedo with black dress shoes.

"Please tell me you didn't forget that today was your rehearsal dinner," he said crossing his arms and I blinked confused before widening my eyes and looking at the calendar on my desk and sure enough April 27th was circled with the words rehearsal dinner written in red ink.

"Shit," I cursed packing away the files I was looking cover into the briefcase under my desk before pushing away and walking to my office room, "give me 5 minutes and I'll be out," I didn't wait for his reply before quickly walking to my closet and grabbing my rehearsal dinner tuxedo and stripping out of the one I was currently wearing. Once I was fully dressed in my black three piece tuxedo, white button down shirt and black shoes, I grabbed my office suit and walked out and walked over to my desk to grab my briefcase before meeting David at the door.

"I can't believe you almost forgot about the dinner," David chuckled as we walked out of the office

"Don't remind me. I'm such an idiot," I hugged running my fingers through my hair before stopping in front of Elle's desk, "Elle if I get any phone calls take their message and I'll get back to them tomorrow morning when I get in. And if someone comes looking for me tell them that I'll be in tomorrow and to come back."

"Of course, Mr. De Luca," She replied with a smile, "have a great rest of your night and see you in the morning."

"You as well. And don't stay in to long. It's almost time for you to head home as well," I stated and she nodded again giving me a warm smile before David and I made our way down the hall towards the elevator

"I'll follow you," David said once we reached the private parking lot and I nodded since I could see his car parked on the other side of where my car was parked.

Just as I unlocked the door, my phone began ringing and I took it out of my pocket and smiled seeing Kat's name on the screen and quickly answered as I climbed in, "Hi, are you on your way?"

"Hi, and yes, I should be arriving in about 20 minutes give or take," I replied -connecting the phone to Bluetooth-as I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way out towards the main road, "I almost forgot about the rehearsal if it wasn't for David who came in to remind me,"

"Of course you did," she chuckled making me smile, "you've been extremely busy these past couple of weeks so it doesn't surprise me. I almost forgot about it as well if Hayden hadn't reminded me about it this morning"

"We sure are airheads huh?" I asked stopping at a red light making her giggle again which made me grin. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw David smiling and I can see his lips moving which means he was also speaking on the phone, "are you home or are you at the restaurant already?"

"At the restaurant. Mom and dad arrived a couple minutes ago and we're waiting for Valentina and Alessandro to arrive which won't be long since they texted saying that they were a few mintiest away," she replied, "and Marcus said the they'll be here as soon as he's done with his current clients,"

"Sounds good, what about John, Ella,Vanessa and Tyler?" I asked pressing on the gas once the light turned green and making sure there were no cars coming in my direction

"They arrived a moment after my parents did," she replied making me hum, "Would you be able to stop by the house and grab Savannah's stuffed wolf? She's getting fussy and I know it's because of her you not being here,"

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