10. Alexander

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"So are you going to say anything?" I asked as I looked at Katerina as she played with her fingers and bit her lip while I sat down on one of the chairs on the empty meeting room

"I'm sorry" she finally said and I raised a brow

"For what?" I asked knowing full well why she was apologizing for an even though I already told her that she didn't need to apologize she keeps doing it.

"For everything I guess" she replied and I pursued my lips and nodded, "I'm sorry that I hurt you 2 years ago when I introduced Jericho as my boyfriend"

"Why are you apologizing for something that's normal Katerina? You had every right to move on and I did too" I said and she furrowed her brows and I sighed giving her a small smile, "the day that I can back after being away for a few years was due to the fact that I lost my wife" the look in her eyes was filled with shock and confusion but I didn't wait for her to say anything as I continued, "My parents had arranged that I marry their friend's daughter and I won't lie and tell you that I wasn't pissed because I was. Finding out that your parents arranged a marriage for you without your knowledge would piss anyone off"

I shook my head as I remembered the day that my parents told me about my arranged marriage to Soledad Gutierrez, youngest and only daughter of his royal highnesses Queen Abigail and King Gonzalo Gutierrez of Spain. We had just gotten home from the party that Katerina's parents had thrown when they dumped it on me.

"Pack your things Alexander" mother had said confusing the hell out of me

"And why would I do that mother?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest as she ordered the maids around to pack her and dad's suitcases and to tell the driver to be ready to drive us to the airport in two hours max

"Because you're going to meet your wife" she had repelled and my confusion intensified

"My what?"

"Your wife, Alexander, now go pack your things because we're flying to Spain where you'll be meeting your bride" Father replies and my confusion turned to anger as I refused to move fork my position

"Bullshit" I snarled and they both looked at me with the same expression, they were not kidding, "I'm not fucking marrying some girl I don't even know"

"I don't give a shit what you say, Alexander. We already agreed to the terms that her family gave us and you're marrying their daughter and that's final" my father snapped and I clenched my jaw as I balled my fists at my side, "now to fucking pack" they left me standing in the living room as they went to their room upstairs to most likely get my siblings to get ready and themselves as well.

"We flew to Spain at 3 am and at 5 pm I was meeting and marrying the Princess of Spain, Soledad," I chuckled as I shook my head looking at Katerina who sat across from me shocked, "It wasn't until after the ceremony and we had gone to our room that I found out why my primer shad married me off to the queen and king of Spain. My parents owed them money and in order to pay that money off they agreed to marry off their first son to their youngest child whether it was a male or female"

"Are you serious?" She asked with furrowed brows and I nodded before shrugging

"As I said, I was pissed and so was my wife when we learned the reason behind our arranged marriage"

"But you said you came back after you lost her what happened to her?" She asked confused and I bit my lip as I felt my heart sink in my chest as I was reminded of my return to the states after a few years of being away.

"As time passed by, Soledad and I grew close. Eventually, we fell in love with each other and she fell pregnant" I swallowed the knot in my throat, "She had gone on a trip with her parents while I was back home working on my business I learned that she had been rushed to the hospital due to abdominal pains"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Alex. I can tell it's hard for you," Katerina said as she reached out and gave my clasped hands a squeeze

"No. I want you to know and I know letting it out will be good for me and help me move on" I said and she bit her bottom lip uncertain but with a small reassuring smile from me she nodded, "I flew out from Barcelona to England the moment I was notified and when I arrived at the hospital they gave me the news that she had a miscarriage"

"Oh my god, Alex, I'm so sorry" Katerina gasped but I shook my head

"It's not your fault, love, the doctor's tried everything they could to save the baby but it was no use. Soledad blamed herself for the loss but I kept telling her that it wants her fault either. That it just wasn't meant to happen to us at the moment but that we would try again" I said ignoring the fact that I just gave her a pet name and Katerina gazed at me with sad eyes and I hated that look, "As much as I had wanted to keep assuring her that everything work is okay, things didn't. We found out that the reason behind her losing the baby was due to her having cancer"

Katerina gasped at the new information and squeezed my hand tighter and I gave her a thankful smile as I blinked my eyes to clear them from the tears that were building, "The doctors had done a test to figure out why the baby that had been growing at a healthy rate had suddenly been lost and that's when they saw the abnormal tissue in her ovaries"

"Oh god" she whispered as tears filled her own eyes at the news, "god, Alex"

"She underwent chemo and radiation the moment we learned of the news" I chocked on a sob as I remembered seeing Soledad, a woman so full of life reduced to skin and bone as she laid in the hospital bed fighting for her life but we all knew that the cancer was far too advanced for any chance of her making it though. I felt soft hands cup my face as Katerina gently wiped the tears away that I don't even know were rolling down my face.

"You listen to me Alexander Storm," Soledad had weakly said as I sat by her bedside the night she passed away, "I want you to be happy and I know that the girl back home is your happiness. So I want you to go back and tell her you that you love her. Tell her everything you've told me when we met. Promise me that you will go home and tell her and that you will be happy"

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat as I held her fragile hand in mine as tears rolled down my face and nodded my head promising her that I would do as she says and later that night after we talked and laughed I gave her one last kiss as she closed her eyes for the last time.

"Alex, I" Katrina began to say but I shook my head

"Don't. Katerina. You had no way of knowing what had happened before I came back. I knew that coming back that there would've been a chance that you had moved on and you did. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell when I saw you and Jericho together" I said as I pulled away from her and stood up leaving her sitting at the table her eyes on me, "I told Soledad about you when we got married and became friends. She always had the right words to say and god I wish she was still alive so she could help me figure this whole thing out"

"Alex" Katrina said as she stood up and walked towards me stopping me from turning away from her and I swallowed the knot in my throat as our eyes clashed, "Why didn't you call me when you left? Why didn't you come looking for me the second you got back?"

"I did but every time I was ignored," I said and she furrowed her brows in confusion but before I could elaborate a knock on the door made me look up to see David poking his head in

"Am I interrupting?" He asked and I shook my head while Katrina stayed silent, "Well if you're done talking we can head over to the meeting room across the hall to meet with the clients"

"We'll be there in a second, David" Katerina said and her brother nodded before closing the door and leaving us alone again, "we're not done talking Alex. So after the meeting is over we're finishing this conversation"

I nodded because there were a lot more things to be said between us if there's any chance of us getting together. With a final look my way, Katerina walked out of the meeting room and across the hall towards the meeting room where David and our clients were waiting and I sighed before following after her. This meeting was going to be long.

an here's a new update let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan



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