21. Katerina

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Today I was officially at the end of my second trimester which means Alex and I were only 2 months away from meeting our little girl and we were terrified and excited at the same time. Excited because we get to finally hold her and love her but terrified because we don't know what to expect and to do when she gets here. My mom has been a big help with teaching us as best as she could how to hold a baby and how to change a diaper while using one of my old dolls that she had found in the attic a few days after Alex had proposed.

And talking about the proposal I'm still in complete shock that he had pulled that move in such a short time but I couldn't love him any less. It feels surreal to think that Alex and I weren't just boyfriend and girlfriend or soon to be parents but were soon to be parents and husband and wife. Just looking at the ring that he gave me brought a smile to my face. It was a gorgeous rose gold oval diamond with smaller diamonds around it. It took my breath away when I first saw it and it continues to do so after a week.

I sighed and shook my head and looked down at the laptop on my lap and sighed once again. I've been waiting for our clients, Mr. Giménez and Miss Rogers to reply to my last email which was almost two months ago. David and Alex haven't begun construction of the building due to lack of communication from the clients and I was asked to get in touch with them, again, to find out what's going on and if the contract was still valid or not because David and Alex weren't going to spend money on material for a building that's not going to be built.

I know I've sent this message to you both once before but I can't seem to get in contact with you and my brother and fiancé need to know if the contract is still standing. Please reply with any answers, we need to know ASAP I read the email I sent almost three hours ago but no reply. A knock on the door made me look up and saw my brother, Hayden, standing in the doorway with a tray of snacks and he held it up with a hopeful smile and I nodded making him grin before walking in and closing the door with his foot before setting the tray down on the nightstand and climbing onto the bed and under the covers

"What's got you frowning so much?" He asked as he rested his head on my shoulder and I smiled resting mine on top

"Waiting for a reply from David and Alex's clients but neither has reached out to us to let us know what's wrong" I replied with a sigh and he hummed moving away

"Why don't you leave that alone for a bit and have a FRIENDS marathon with me?" He asked as he grabbed the remote turning the tv on before scrolling down until he found the Netflix app and clicked on it before scrolling until he finds the show he's been currently obsessing over.

"What season are you on?" I asked as I placed the laptop on the nightstand next to me and got as comfortable as I could in bed

"Season 6 Episode 19" he replied and I blinked, this boy started watching that show two days ago and he's already almost done with season 6.

"Is that all you've been doing for the past two days?" I asked and he grinned nodding his head, "what about classes? Didn't mom say you were close to getting your GED?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done with that too. I take breaks from the show you know" he replied with an eye roll make me shake my head with a chuckle

"Well can we watch something else? I wouldn't know to want the heck is going on since I haven't seen the show from the start" I asked and he nodded

"Sure" he replied with a shrug, "but you have to watch it so we can have a marathon together" was

"Okay" I agreed and he beamed before exiting out of Netflix before going to the HBO app and searching Game of thrones and I shook my h with a chuckle as he pressed play in the first season and so that's how we spent the rest our Saturday watching Game of Thrones, Justice League and various other movies before we fell asleep only to be awoken by a soft shake on the arm

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