14. Alexander

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"How are you and Katerina?" David asked with a raised brow as we sat across each other in his conference room waiting for our clients to arrive for our meeting.

"Good, guessing she told you about Kara?" I asked and he hummed nodding

"She did. As well as all of your former bed partners" he added I nodded, "how did she take it?"

"Fine, David. There is no need to ask him stupid questions when I already told you" we both turned to the sound of Katerina's voice and David gave her a sheepish grin rubbing the back of his neck making his sister roll her eyes walking further into the meeting room and sitting in the middle.

I had expected her to stop talking to me after I had told her about my past bed partners and break up with me but she did the exact opposite.

"Answer me this Alex, if you had the opportunity, would you go back to one of them?" She had asked once I had finished telling her everything and I stared at her dumbfounded by her question and crouched to her level as she had been sitting on my chair behind my desk and said

"Never. This may be cheesy and not something I'd never say but, all that I need and want is you" I replied holding her hands in mine and she smiled pulling one out and cupping my face

"Promise?" She asked and I smiled

"Promise. I've only ever wanted you and my past romances were mere mistakes. Like I've told you once before the only reason why I slept them was that they reminded me of you" I said and she bit her lip before nodding

"Just promise me that no matter how difficult things may get that you'll never leave me" she murmured

"That will never happen" I promised and she smiled leaning forward pressing her lips against mine

"Okay" she whispered

"When did we tell the clients the meeting was?" I heard David ask and looked over at Katerina who pulled out her notepad and type on it before pulling a screen up

"2:45 so they should be arriving shortly" she replied and he nodded looking at his watch, "Do you have something to do after?"

"Yeah. I'm meeting Xander for a late lunch after the meeting" he replied and we looked at him shocked, "I may have rejected meeting him the other day but he's been persistent since then and I finally agreed to speak with him so he'd leave me alone"

"Are you sure that's a good idea, David? I mean especially how things ended between you two" I questioned and he nodded

"Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong I'm still pissed at him for cheating on me with that bimbo but it's been 4 years since then and I've somewhat got over it but despite it all I still love him" he replied

"Don't let him in that easily David. Whatever it is he wants to talk about don't forgive him so easily either make him earn it." Katerina said squeezing his hand which he smiled at and nodded, "I don't want to see you hurt again because of him"

"I know" he replied and just then a knock at the door sounded and the front desk secretary opened the door and popped her head in

"A Mr. Giménez and a Miss Rogers are here to see you," she said and David nodded

"Send then in Julia," he said and she nodded opening the door further and moving aside to let the clients pass asking if we'd like anything to drink, and after we all gave her our orders she nodded leaving us alone closing the door behind her.

"Good afternoon" we greeted them and they nodded and greeted us as they sat across from us

"Robert and I have been talking and have decided to not make the restaurant as extravagant as we had first thought," Miss Rogers said and we exchanged looks

"And how long have you had this thought for?" I asked since we had already agreed that we would be working on the construction in two weeks

"About a month" she replied and I clenched my jaw at her reply

"So you just decided to tell us this now when we're two weeks away from construction?" David asked and from the sound of his voice, he was just as pissed as I was right this second

"Yes, it's not a big deal," the woman said clearly not seeing that construction will take longer now due to us having to change the whole plan again to accommodate her and her partner's plans

"You do realize that we're two weeks away from construction and that due to you two not informing us about your change that the blueprint will have to be remade and it will take more time to build your restaurant, right?" Katerina asked

"I'm sure that you will be fine with doing that since it's your job as our contractors" Mr. Giménez replied

"It's not about not being able to do it or not, it's more about the fact that you both neglected to inform us of this change a month ago during our meeting and walkthrough of the lot that your restaurant will be built in" I replied making them look at me

"Well we're informing you now so I don't see what the big deal is," the older male said and I was seconds from jumping over the table and strangling him had it not been for Katerina placing a hand on my arm

"You don't understand Mr. Giménez. We're the companies responsible for the construction of your building as well as responsible for the material and workers and you are our clients. The least you two could have done was tell us that you have decided to downgrade the restaurant so we would have been prepared with a new blueprint" she said

"There's no need to change the blueprint. We want how it is just not as big and extravagant as we had asked for a few months ago at our first meeting. We decided to not make it a three-story restaurant instead just one-story with a bar and reception area" the woman replied

"Having to downgrade the restaurant from a three-story building to a one-story building requires the change of the entire blueprint," David said

And that's how the meeting went for the next two hours - with David leaving halfway through- until the clients finally relented and agreed to have the blueprint changed and apologized for not informing us beforehand before we agreed on having the next meeting at the construction site so they could see where the restaurant will be built in and then go from there we only hope that they don't change their minds at the last minute again and actually inform us if they do unlike today.

"I'm never dealing with people like them again," Katrina said as she rubbed her temples once we were alone in the meeting room making me chuckle as I ran my fingers through her hair make her hum

"I doubt we'll ever have to deal with such people again," I said and she opened her eyes with a smile

"I hope you're right because I swear I was about to slap that woman if she kept repeating the same thing over and over again" she muttered

"Let's not talk about them, instead why don't you come over to my place and I'll cook you dinner?" I asked and she hummed

"You cook?" She asked surprised and when I nodded she agreed as she stood up from her seat and I led her out of the meeting room towards her office to collect our things before we headed down the hall to the elevator that will take us to the private parking lot.

"What are you in the mood for?" I asked as we made our way down the snow-covered New York road towards my house.


"That sounds good actually"

an here's a new update ladies and gents sorry for the lack of updating but I've been having writer's block but at last here's a new update so I hope you guys like and don't forget to leave a vote/fan and comment what you think.



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