15. Katerina

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"Did you get those contracts printed?" David asked as he poked his head into my office after knocking on the door and I looked up nodding

"Yeah. I was just going to see you to hand them" I said and he nodded walking into my office and taking a seat across from me

"So, how is the baby doing?" He asked and I smiled rubbing my belly

"Good. I'm already 22 weeks along and the doctor said that we'll be able to tell the gender soon" I said and he nodded

"That's crazy. I never expected you to be the first in the family to have a baby" he said and I raised a brow making him smile, "I mean I always thought that I'd be the first one to start a family but look where that went"

"Hey, you'll get the family you've always wanted someday David. I mean aren't you and Xander working things out?"

"Yeah. We're taking things slow and see what happens from there." He said and I nodded

"That's good. Besides I'm pretty sure Jayden and Maribel will eventually start a family of their own soon. I wouldn't be surprised if Mar is already expecting" I said

"You know you may be right. That girl had been moody and shit from what Adam has said"

Adam Johnson was my sister's husband of 7 years and he's one of the nicest guys I've met in my life. He treats her with love and respect and loves her regardless of how much she works. The only reason why Adam is barely around is that he's in the Navy and he's only ever home for a few days before leaving for weeks or even months on end. With both being always on different ends of the world, it's amazing to see just how much those two always find a way to make their relationship strong.

"Yeah last week he called asking why she was crying and all that crap as if I knew why his wife was emotional," I said making him chuckle, "I did, however, offer he take her to the doctor and get a pregnancy-hold on a sec" he nodded and I grabbed my cellphone and pressed answer when is we Maribel's name on the screen, "Hey Mar. What's up?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear when she screamed

"Thanks for blowing my eardrum up" I muttered pressing the speaker button so David could hear the conversation, "so why are you screaming?"

"Is David with you?" She asked

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh good. That way I won't have to wait until I see him to tell him the big news" she replied and I pressed mute

"20 bucks she's pregnant," I said and David narrowed his eyes

"20 she's not and that Adam is taking her on vacation" he replied making me roll my eyes then I pressed unmute

"Okay, what's the big news?" David asked and we could hear her shuffling on the other end of the line and a door opening and closing

"Hold on, I'm going to do a video chat," she said and we groaned but waited until she FaceTimed me and once she did, David moved to sit beside me so we were both in screen

"No fucking way," David and I said in unison as our sister and brother in law both popped on-screen holding a onesie with the words 'can't wait to meet you'

"I knew it" I exclaimed and turned to David with a grin and he rolled his eyes but pulled his wallet out and handed me a 20

"You made a bet on us?" Maribel asked with a raised brow and we grinned

"We were actually talking about you being pregnant a few moments ago and why you've been so moody lately," I said and she nodded

"So how far along are you?" David asked

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