44. Alexander

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"Morning," a soft voice whispered in the early morning and I smiled looking down at the woman I get to not only call my best friend but also my wife. It's crazy to think that it's been nearly a month since the day we married and exchanged vows in front of our family and friends. One month since Katerina Elena Montgomery became my wife.

"Morning beautiful" I murmured kissing her forehead

"I'm far from beautiful this early in the morning," she mumbled snuggling into my side making me chuckle

"To me you are," I retaliated and she looked up with a small smile on her face, "come on, let's get ready for the day as we have much to do today"

"Ugh" she groaned pulling away from me and pulling the covers over her head and I shook my head, you'd think that after all this time that she'd be jumping out of bed and rushing around the room yelling about being late for work but nope, no matter how long she's worked for her brother, she was still not a morning person. I'd know since I always struggled to get her out of bed every morning when we first moved in together a year ago.

"I known you hate mornings but you need to get up baby. We have work and I'm sure David won't be pleased to know his secretary/ assistant wasn't in" I stated removing the covers from her face and she looked up at me with wide brown eyes and I raised a brow knowing what she was trying to do and thigh it would have worked before, I have learned to be immune to those puppy dogs eyes that our daughter seemed to inherit because she always looks at me with the same look her mother was currently giving me, "now gonna work this time sweetheart, now get up"

"You're no fun" she crumbled but nonetheless pushed the covers from her naked body and crawled out of bed grabbing her robe to cover herself up before walking into the bathroom and I sighed shaking my head before fallowing after her. I leaned against the door frame as I watched her do her morning business before brushing her teeth, "why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" I asked titling my head to the sighed and she rolled her eyes before rinsing her mouth and cleaning the sink of toothpaste

"Like you're trying to eat me with your eyes," she stated before letting her silk robe fall in a pile around her feet before turning her back and turning on the shower letting the water heat up for a few seconds before climbing in and I smiled before cloning in after her. I gripped her waist gently and she hummed leaning against me as the water cascaded down on us. I leaned down and kissed her neck, nipping at the skin gently cussing her to softly moan and tilt her head to the side giving me more space to continue to kiss and nip at her neck and shoulder.

"Have I told you lately isn't how much you turn me on?" I murmured against her skin and she shivered before turning in my arms, our eyes meeting and fuck did she look breathtaking under the sprays of the water. No matter how Manuel times ever kissed and been intimate, it never seizes to amaze me just how much this woman before me has me under her spell. Every inch of her is my undoing. She lifted her right hand reached around my neck before pulling me down to her and soon our lips were molding together in a searing kiss. I lifted her up and pressed her against the shower wall as her legs wrapped themselves around my hips.

What started as an innocent kiss, turned into an instant hunger. My arms grip around her tighter, as I press her even harder against the wall. Her arms are around my neck as our lips melt into one and her tongue searches out mine. She sucks on my bottom lip and a moan escapes from deep in my throat. I know she could feel me harden in between her open and parted legs. Even if we had sex last night, it felt as if we haven't been this close in months.

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