45. Katerina

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"ALEX!" I yelled as I watched with wide eyes as my 11-month-old baby girl began to take her first steps

"What? What is it?" Alex asked as he stepped into the living room making Savanah turn to him on wobbly legs making him stare at her with wide eyes before crouching down with his arms stretched out toward her making her beam and take her steps towards him while Hayden recorded.

"That's my girl," Alex said with a beaming smile as he picked her up making Savannah beam and clap her little hands at the compliment her father gave her, "stop growing too fast though please"

"It's a little impossible for that to happen, babe," I said wiping the tears that had rolled down my cheeks when she first took her first step, and thank goodness Hayden was recording when she first took her first step or else we would have missed it. He has actually been recording all of her firsts sicken she was born.

"Can't believe she's almost one," Hayden said as he put his phone down now there she was down with walking and instead was relaxing in her father's arms.

"Don't remind me," I huffed making him grin

"Okay, okay" he chuckled raising his hands in surrender making me shake my head. He walked over and whispered in my ear about our reservations at The Swan and I widened my eyes totally forgetting that Hayden and I had made plans on taking Alex there to celebrate his first Father's Day since we'll be having our families over on the official day.

"What are you two whispering over there?"Alex asked with a raised brow making us smile and he narrowed his eyes

"Why don't you go and rose a shower?" I asked and he raised a brow but knowing he won't get an answer from us, he sighed and handed Savannah over to me before he went to our room, "AND WEAR SOMETHING NICE!"

I'm glad that he didn't notice that the three of us were wearing semi-formal clothes or else he'd be firing questions as to why we were so dressed up.

"He's probably wracking that head of his widening what we're up to and why you asked him to wear something nice," Hayden said as he put some of Savannah's toys into her diaper bag while I carried her to the kitchen to feed her before we leave for the restaurant.

"Why exactly did you ask me to wear something nice?" Alex asked as he came downstairs a few minutes later dressed in a pair of black dress ones and a white button-up shirt with his hair gelled back with a blue blazer finishing his outfit.

"Because we're going out," I replied and he raised a brow

"And where exactly are we going?" He asked but I just held my hand up to shut him up he sighed, "when are we leaving?"

"In a bit, Hayden went to grab his jacket from his room" I replied and not even a second later my little brother was coming downstairs with his jacket over his blue button-down shirt, "alright let's go"


"So why exactly are we here?"'Alex asked after we had ordered our food and I sighed in exasperation. This man doesn't know patience.

"Can't we just come out and have a nice dinner once in a while?"I asked as I rocked Savannah's stroller as she has fallen asleep as soon we arrived a few minutes ago,

"We can but this is the first time you've done this behind my back," he retorted

"You're a pain in the ass you know that?" I quizzed and he smirked, "and don't even go there, not right now" I added when I saw the look in his eyes. This man and his dirty kind, I swear.

"I wasn't going to say anything," he replied with fake innocence

"Right" I deadpanned making him grin and Hayden only shook his head at our banter

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