2. Alexander

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Two weeks. That's how long it's been since my one-night stand with Katerina Montgomery, sister of David and daughter of Liam Montgomery. One of New York's leading businessmen. I knew who she was the second my eyes landed on her as she downed shot glass after shot glass. When I walked up to her my initial thought was to take her home but then she began teasing me as she ran her hand up my thigh and all rational thought ran out the window. The morning after our little night was something completely unexpected. She was in hysterics and running around my room searching for her clothes and when she saw me her eyes bugged out of her head making me chuckle.

It was something unexpected to see on someone of her status. Just thinking about that night has my cock straining in my pants making me groan and close my eyes which was not helping with my problem down below. All I could see was her covered in sweat with her head thrown back with her hands clutching the bedsheets the harder I pounded into her. Her soft gasps and moans as I hit that bundle of nerves were music to my ears, and fuck this has never happened to me before. I've had a lot of one-night stands but none of them stayed in my mind as she did.

Her body was soft and sweet and perfect in every way. I've seen her once or twice before that night and I've always wanted to know how it felt to have her in my bed, moaning my name begging me to fuck her harder.

"What is it about you that I can't get you out of my head?" I asked myself opening my eyes leaning my head on the back of my chair. Sighing I thought of everything and anything to get my boner to go down and sighed when I felt my pants feel less strained than before.

I looked out the window of my office and saw snow begin to fall and groaned. I hated the snow. Sighing which felt like the hundredth time, I looked down at the paperwork piled up on my desk and grabbed the first file I touched, and opened it before reading it through. 

Let me introduce myself before we get ahead of ourselves. My name is Alexander Storm, CEO of Storm Enterprises. I'm the youngest son of music producer Angelo Storm and the president of Vogue, Margaret Storm. Ever since I could remember I've always wanted to be like my father and at the age of 18 I started my first business and since then, I've grown my business to what it is now. I'm 27 years old and I'm one of the youngest CEOs in New York. My company deals with anything from hotels to restaurants and of course schools.

After reading through the contract in my hand, I tossed it in the pile of rejects before reading the last and final contract that was about building a new school in South America and as I read through it, I noted that there were also images of the land where the school will be built and saw that it was big enough to not only build only a school but also a playground.

I turned on my laptop and signed in before opening my email and deleting unwanted junk while opening others that looked or sounded interested before emailing my clients and workers.

A knock on my door a few moments later made me avert my eyes from my screen and call out to the person knocking

"Mr. Storm?" I looked up from my laptop to see my secretary, Jessa, standing in the doorway

"What is it, Jessa?" I asked continued to type away on my laptop

"There's a Mr. Richards here wanting to speak with you" She replied and I clenched my jaw

"Did you not tell him that I'm not available?" I questioned gazing up at her and she swallowed nodding her head

"She did but I'm not leaving without speaking with you," a new voice said making Jessa move aside to reveal Nathan Richards dressed in a black suit with a white button-up underneath with his hair styled to perfection on his head rolled my eyes.

"I'm not interested in speaking with you" I dismissed him by going back to typing away

"You'll think twice before you dismiss me like that Mr. Storm," Nathan said and I looked up and saw him holding an envelope in his hand

"Are you threatening me?" I asked with a raised brow pushing away from my desk and though he didn't back down, I could tell he was scared making me smirk, "You should know that by now, Mr. Richards"

"Take it how you'd like Mr. Storm" He stated and I narrowed my eyes before looking over at Jessa

"Leave us" and she nodded closing the door behind her and I looked at Nathan as he stood with his hand up that held the vanilla envelope

"What do you want"

"You. I want you" I chuckled moving back to my desk but before I could sit, he grabbed me by the arm and turning me around before planting his lips against mine causing me to push him back

"Never fucking do that again do you understand?" I hissed looking down at him as he fell to the ground

"You weren't saying that last time," he said as he got to his feet and stood in front of me grabbing my tie and I glared at him, taking his hands off me

"You were nothing but a good fuck that I happen to find at a bar, Nathan. What happened between us was nothing more than just sex" I said and I saw his eyes glaze over, "you think that I'd fall for you? Give it a rest. I'm not one to settle for anyone"

"You'll regret those words once these photos surface," he said opening the forgotten envelope and a pile of pictures spilled out I picked them up seeing photos of me leaving the bar with Katerina and I clenched my jaw

"How did you get these?" I said flipping through them and seeing photos of Katerina and me in bed and he smirked

"I have my ways. If you don't want these images to get out to the public then you'll forget what you said and have sex with me" he replied and before I could say anything the door to my office flew open with Jessa calling after the man that had barged in which so happened to be David Montgomery. His eyes locked on Nathan and I could feel the bastard shaking in front of me and I rolled my eyes pushing him away.

"Is there a reason why you're in my office?" I asked David who was fuming

"You little fucker" he snarled launching at Nathan who gasped and made a run for it but David caught him before he could get further and I could hear gossip already working around outside my office as David dragged Nathan out of my office but before he fully left he looked back at me and said, "you and I need to talk"

"Book an appointment with my secretary" he glared at me but didn't say anything instead left and I rolled my eyes sighing.

"Close my door, Jessa. And if Nathan ever returns have security remove him from here at once"I ordered and she nodded closing the door behind her as she left my office.

I looked at the photos on my desk and picked them up and went through them before putting them away. If Nathan expects me to sleep with him again just because he has these photos his mistaken. I'll make his life living hell before I sleep with him again. I'm not going to let him ruin Katerina's image no matter our difference, she doesn't need that.

"Jessa," I said as I pressed her line button

"Yes, Mr. Storm?" She replied

"I need you to get Miss Montgomery's information"

"Right away Mr. Storm" I clicked the end button and looked back out the window and rubbed my temples.

So much having a productive day.

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