24. Alexander

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"So have you and Kat picked a name yet?" David asked me a few weeks later when we met at his office to look over at the new blueprints for the building that will start construction next week and is estimated that it will take roughly four to five months for it to be complete.

"Not yet, but we've been looking through baby name books and picking the lens we liked from them but we haven't decided yet. We might just wait until she's born to name her" I replied and he nodded.

"That's always a good idea too. My parents did the same thing when they were expecting Hayden. They couldn't decide on a name until he was born" he said with a chuckle as he opened his office door and held it open for me to go in first before following behind and closing the door after him.

"And what about you? How are things with Xander?"

"Good, we decide to move in together after talking it through for the past couple weeks." He answered and I nodded

"That's a great man. You two have been through a lot so taking this next step is good for you both" I said and he smiled

"I've been thinking about asking him to marry me but I don't know if it's too soon to even think about that since we just got back together not even 7 months ago," he said and I raised a brow and sat up straight.

"If Kat was here she'd say that it's not soon at all. Hell have you seen us? We got engaged after only dating for 4 months" I chuckled and he smirked

"Yeah because you knocked her up or else you two wouldn't even be getting married this quickly," he said and I rolled my eyes

"Actually we would've been already married had we both just confessed our feelings for each other when we saw each other again after I got back from Spain and she was still with Jericho"

"Okay true" he nodded in agreement adding, "So you don't think it's soon?"

"Nah, man. If you love him then go for it" I said and he pursed his lips before smiling and shaking his head

"Who would've thought that the great Alexander Storm would be giving me love advice?" He asked with a chuckle making me roll my eyes again

"Oh fuck off" I replied making him burst out in laughter and I sighed raising a brow and not a moment later he sobered up only chucking a couple of times before sitting up straight and shaking his head.

"Okay okay, now that's over, let's look over the redefined blueprints shall we?" He asked and I nodded so he pulled out a rolled-up print after clearing his desk before placing the print and unrolled it showing the newly developed blueprint of the building our companies will be working together.

"So I had one of my designers add a couple of things to the blueprint hope that's okay with you," He said and I nodded as he pointed to the design and I actually liked this one better than the one I had one of my guys draw up last time we met before Katerina decided to go on maternity leave which was three weeks ago.

"This is actually pretty good. Better than the one I had my guys draw up" I said adding, "how many floors is it going to be now?"

"45 floors, there will be around 20 stores, five restaurants, and 6 hotels" He replied and I nodded

"That's not bad," I said and he agreed to say that we'll be able to start construction within the next two weeks and it shouldn't take more than 6 months. After going over a few things, we scheduled a day in the next few days to go look at the construction site and go over the materials that will be needed to start construction.

"Before I forget, Xander wanted to see if you and Kat wanted to join us this weekend for dinner," David said as he leads me out of his office and I nodded then after making plans to catch up I headed out since Kat and I had an appointment with an interior designer at 2 at the house and it was currently 1:25.

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