6. Alexander

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"Mr.Storm, you have a call on line 2" Jessa's voice came through the speakers and I sighed putting my glasses down and turning away from my laptop picking the phone and pressing the flashing line.

"Hello?" I greeted the caller.

"Oh good, I thought I called the wrong line," Katerina's voice rang through and I blinked. It's been 2 and a half weeks since our last encounter both in my office and at the club

"Hi by the way" she added as an afterthought making me shake my head with a smile. Even though we have barely spoken more than a few words since the meeting, there was something about her that just drew me in from the very moment I met her.

"Hi, Katerina, who do I owe for this lovely call?" I asked and I could hear her moving around before a door opened and she was speaking to someone

"What do you want?" I heard her ask as the sound of a door opening filled my ears and I raised a brow

"Who are you talking with?" A familiar voice asked making me furrow my brows

"None of your business Jericho. Is there a reason why yo-" I blinked when the line went dead before furrowing my brows in confusion. Okay, that was unexpected. Sighing, I placed the phone back in its holder before turning back to my laptop and going over my messages from potential clients.

I was halfway through replying to a client when my phone began ringing again and I sighed pressing the button to tell Jessa that I had it before she could answer

"Hello" I greeted the caller

"Hey, sorry about that" Katerina's voice filtered through the speakers

"It's alright. I figured you had an unexpected visitor" I said turning on my seat to face the New York City below that was covered in white from the snowstorm we had two days ago.

"Yeah but he was removed from the office as soon as I called security" she replied and I raised a row though she couldn't see me


"It was my ex. I'm sure you've heard of him before" she sighed and I think I've heard of him but don't remember where

"Wait is he the one who broke up with you the night we slept together?"

"The very one. Ugh he's such an asshole I swear" she grumbled making me chuckle, "Don't laugh you asshole"

"Sorry" I apologized and she huffed making a smile fighting its way to my face

"Anyway, I was calling to see if you got my message"

"What message?" I asked and I could hear paper ruffling on her side of the line

"Didn't your secretary give you my message? I called this morning but she said you were in a meeting so I left a message to let you know to call me as soon as you got out I even left her my number" she replied and I furrowed my brows at her reply because I haven't gotten any messages from Jessa since my last meeting at noon.

"I haven't received any messages from her. But why didn't you ask David? He has my number" I replied

"Because he's out of town on a business trip and I forgot to ask him before he left," she answered and I hummed

"Why did you need to speak to me anyway?"

"To see if you wanted to join me on my doctor's appointment this afternoon at 3:45" was her reply and I looked at my watch seeing that it was almost 3 and David's office was a good 15 minutes away from here so if I were to leave now, I could pick her up and drive us to the doctor's office for her check-up. I pushed off my desk and stood up and filing my papers away to take home to work on them there since I didn't have any other meetings today.

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