41. Katerina

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With so much happening around us these past few months, Alex and I had decided to push the wedding back to May 4th which was only a few weeks away. It was still surreal that in less than a month I'll be calling Alex my husband instead of fiancé. Just thinking of that had my heart fluttering in my chest as butterflies swarmed my stomach. My parents along with Alex's parents have gotten incredibly close and it's safe to say that they are best friends. But it was nice seeing them all together and interact with each other as if they've known each other for years and not only a few months. Alec and his parents have also gotten incredibly close with the three and occasionally all six -Ella, John, and Vanessa-would go and have lunch or dinner and just catch up.

Today, Valentina, Ella, Nessa, and Hayden were accompanying me to go dress shopping since I had decided to change my first dress. I sighed and finished putting Savannah's change of clothes into her diaper bag as well with extra diapers and food Incase she got hungry.

"Alright baby girl, are you ready to spend the next few hours with you grandmas, aunts, and uncle?" I asked picking the nine old up who had been laying on my bed with a toy and she gave a toothy grin. Her first had come in just after New Year and she was not a happy camper the first few weeks as she was always fussy and one night she'd woken up with a fever which had cared the daylights out of me as she's never had a fever like that before so Alex and I took her to the ER and we didn't come home until 6 in the morning and by then she was exhausted but with her fever down. Apparently, it was normal for infants around her age to have fevers when their first teeth come and that when the first sign of a fever the doctor said to give her baby Tylenol as that would help reduce the fever and help her cope with the pain in her gums.

I smiled and kisses her soft hair before picking up her diaper bag and waking out of mine and Alex's room almost jumping out of my skin when I saw Hayden standing in the other side with his hand up ready to knock on the door

"Jesus," I muttered

"No, just Hayden," he replied with a cheeky grin making me roll my eyes and shake my head,

"Is there a reason why you're standing in front of my door?" I asked closing the door behind me and he grabbed the diaper bag from making give him a grateful smile as we made our way down the hall towards the stairs before going down and into the kitchen to grab the rest of Savannah's things which consisted of her food and a few of her toys to keep her occupied while we're at the store

"Was going to see if you were ready or if you needed help," he answered and I nodded as I watched him grab the baby food, fruit and snacks from the fridge and cabinet and putting them in the diaper bag after making sure they were secure and that the seal wasn't broken.

"Did mom call?" I asked making Savannah a bottle knowing she would be hungry soon before handing it to her

"Yeah, she said that she's already at the store with the others and that Maribel has joined them and asked if that was alright" he answered and I nodded

"That's fine, I didn't think Mar would be up to going since little Levi was sick," I said before we made our way out of the house and locking the door on our way out and unlocking the car before putting Savannah in her car seat as she confirmed to drink from her bottle.

"That's what I said but mom said that Mar stated that Levi was feeling a bit better," Hayden said as he climbed into the passenger's seat after putting the diaper bag in the back next to Savannah

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