8. Alexander

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"Mr. Storm you have a call on line 5" Jessa's voice rang through the speaker and I sighed taking my glasses off before racking over to the phone

"Did you ask who it was?" I asked before I picked up the line

"It's a Mr. Jenkins" She replied and with that, I picked the line on

"Storm speaking" I answered the call

"Hello Mr. Storm, this is Ruben Jenkins speaking" the male stated and I rolled my eyes since I already knew that

"How are you, Mr. Jenkins?" I asked instead and I could hear voices on the other side before he was back on

"I'm great. I was just calling to see if we can have a meeting" he said and I raised a brow

"And what about?" I asked

"It's about an office I want to build," he said and I hummed

"We can do a video call as I'm currently working on a project here and I can't abandon it," I said 

"I rather it be in person Mr. Storm. I hear that you're working on this project with none other than Mr. Montgomery isn't that right? I'm more than positive that Mr. Montgomery can handle the project for a few days while we discuss my project" he said making me clench my jaw at his stupidity. Does he expect me to just drop everything just for him? He's dumber than I thought he was.

"If you had done your research in regards of my company, Mr. Jenkins, then you would know that I don't drop everything in the middle so you either take my offer about having this so-called meeting over a video call or you can find someone else that can build your office for you," I said and I could hear his chair squeak under pressure as he moved. I hate when people tell me to do things and then become angry when I tell them no. I'm not some guy that you can boss around and expect things to go your way.

"And like I stated before Mr. Storm, I would like to speak with you in person and not through a screen" he retorted making me roll my eyes

"Then I believe you should find a new company to work with" I answered and didn't give him time to argue adding, "I don't particularly like working with assholes who demand that I drop my work just to satisfy them. So if you wish for my company to build you your office or whatever you wish to build then you would understand that I take projects when clients agree to my terms. I already have my schedule packed with projects to last me two or three years so losing you as a client won't hurt my bank account. Have a good rest of your day Mr. Jenkins."

I hung up before he could say anything else and rubbed my face. Once David and I finished building the restaurant for Mr. Giménez and Miss Rogers, I'll be working on a new project that is in due to begin construction at the end of the year so I'll be busy working on that to work on any other projects. I turned on my seat and looked out the floor to ceiling window at the city that was covered in a blanket of snow.

Its been snowing heavily for the past several days and in those days I haven't left my office due to the roads being dangerous to drive in and because I wanted to get as much work done as possible before the holidays. The roads had become vacant due to the snowstorm that was broadcasted to fall in the next couple of hours. Sighing, I pressed the button on the phone to call Jessa who picked the line

"Yes, Mr. Storm?" She asked

"Do I have any more calls or messages?" I questioned and I could hear her flipping pages before speaking up

"No, Mr. Storm. Your meeting this morning was all you had for the day due to the weather. I sent you a few contracts that a few potential clients have sent for you to look over" she said before adding, "Oh and Mr. Montgomery called to remind you that you have a meeting with him, Mr. Giménez and Miss Rogers tomorrow afternoon to look over the blueprints of the building"

"Anything else?" I asked hoping to hear that Katerina had called but my hopes were crushed when she replied with

"That's all Mr. Storm" sighing I thanked her and told her to get home before the storm hit and I could hear her uncertainty before thanking me. Looking at the clock on my desk, I saw it was already half past 3 and decided to call it a night and shut my laptop off. I walked across the room and pressed a small button on the wall that opened up to reveal my secret room and walked in, the lights shutting off behind me as I walked in.

My office door locks automatically every night at midnight so I have to lock it on my way out after I finish work. Running my fingers through my hair, I undid my tie and tossed it on the chair by the door along with my coat before walking to the bathroom to shower.

I turned the shower on as I undressed and as the water heated up, I brushed my teeth and used the toilet. After all that was set and done, I jumped in hissing at the burn of the water on my skin before relaxing as the water poured down my back relaxing my muscles. My mind went to three days ago after the doctor's appointment and Katrina's words.

Because that's who you are. A playboy

If only she knew that ever since we slept together I hadn't slept with anyone because all I could think about was her. The way her body reacted to mine. Her soft and sexual moans as I pounded into her. The way her head was thrown against the pillows with her fingers clinging to the end sheets. Sweat covering every inch of her as moans and gasps filled my room. But those weren't the only things that kept me from sleeping with anyone else. It was just her. As I said, she was constantly on my mind no matter how hard I tried to forget her.

Her eyes, her smile, the way she laughed at the stupidest jokes, the way her nose crinkled at something her siblings would say or the way she would tuck a strand of hair behind her ear as she read a book with a cup of hot cocoa. If beautiful could have a picture under its definition it would be her. She was every sense of the word and more. More beautiful than the waning moon, more radiant than the sun, she was a goddess in human form. Her beauty was sharp like a blade and soft like the sound of a cello playing the most amazing sonata. I've never met anyone as perfect as her.

In my eyes, no one was more beautiful, perfect than Katerina Montgomery. Her beauty was unmatched. Her wavy raven black hair was soft as cotton and her brown eyes were the color of melted caramel that was framed with dark lashes. She had a button nose and thin red lips that were sweet like candy. Her skin was a soft golden color with high cheekbones. She was small with curves in all the right places. God, she was a masterpiece.

I closed my eyes and groaned as her face popped in my head making me snap my eyes open and hiss as the cold water brought me back to reality. I grabbed the 2 in 1 bottle of shampoo and conditioner and lathered my hair up before rinsing and doing the same with the body wash before shutting the water off and grabbing a towel off the railing next to the shower. Once I was dry, I walked back to the room and over to my closet to grab a pair of sweatpants and boxers. Letting the towel drop, I pulled on my boxers followed by the pants before walking over to the bed.

The clock on the nightstand read 4:45 am and I sighed climbing in. I grabbed my phone and raised a brow seeing a couple of messages and when I unlocked it I was surprised to see they were all from the same person. Katerina. I debated on whether or not to check what she had to say before opening up the messages.

From Katerina M
Um hi, I don't know if you're awake or not but um, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said a couple of days ago

From Katerina M
I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and I'm really sorry, Alex

From Katerina M
Please don't ignore me. I didn't mean to say those words I promise. David told me everything so um, please don't stop talking to me

From Katerina M
I guess you're asleep right now that's why you won't reply so I'm going to let you rest and hopefully you'll text me back in the morning. Good night Alex

I stared at the messages for what seemed like forever before sighing and shaking my head. I locked my phone without replying back not because I didn't want to, it was more like I was too tired to text her back knowing that if I do, I would say things that I didn't mean and that's the last thing I want right now. I'll text her later in the day. So with that in mind, I put my phone back on the nightstand after setting the alarm for 7 am.

Tomorrow is going to be a long fucking day.

an here's a new update let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan



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