39. Katerina

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The following, after dinner with Alessandro and Valentina, was Thanksgiving which had both Alex, Hayden, and I running around the grocery store looking for everything that we need for Friday night as everyone will be on a three-day vacation for the holiday. And before you all start nagging at me about leaving Savannah home unattended, she's home with  Vanessa as she was on a four-day vacation since her boss was going away for Thanksgiving and won't be back until Friday and since today was Tuesday it was a good thing since I didn't have anyone to stay with her and though Hayden usually stayed home with her, I needed his help with the groceries.

"Alright, I think we got everything we need and if not I can by tomorrow and get it," I said once I looked at the three full carts in front of me and at the two men who were panting from all the running around the building and rolled my eyes, "don't tell me you're tired"

"Just a bit," Hayden said as he and Alex leaned on their knees panting and I shook my head at them, "please tell me you actually did get everything because I am so not running around like this again"

"You won't be," I replied and he smiled, "but he will"

"What? Why?" Alex asked with a huff and I grinned

"Because I said so" I stated before turning on my heel and walking towards the checkout line grateful that it was just us three and four other customers or else we would be stuck here for hours until it was our turn. I gave the poor cashier an apologetic smile when her eyes widened at the three filled to the rim with food shopping carts behind me

"Sorry" I whispered and ignored the gawking eyes of the other customers and cashiers

"It's alright, did you find everything you needed?" She asked as she began scanning each item and Hayden, bless his heart, had the empty cart on the side putting the items on the reusable shopping bags that I had ordered and bought online a couple of months ago after news got out that there won't be giving out any plastic bags at any shopping center.

Almost an hour later, the young girl scanned the final item on the slide before giving us the total and the nearly empty grocery store gasped when they heard the total, $1,374.00.

Once Alex was done paying I handed the young girl a $50 bill for the trouble before the three of us made our way towards mine and Alex's cars -we decided on coming on two cars due to the fact that we were getting a lot of food- and after all the shopping bags had been placed in both mine and Alex's cars, Hayden climbed the passenger's seat of my car while I walked over tot he drivers with Alex following behind.

"Are you sure you got everything?" He asked and I nodded in reply and he nodded before leaning over and pressing a kiss to my lips making me smile, "okay, then, let's get going. Savannah must be giving Nessa a hard time"

"If she was your sister would've called by now but she h-"just as I was about to finish my reply, my phone began to ring and Alex raised an eyebrow making me roll my eyes before pulling out the device that was not stopping its ringing, "hello?"

"Kat? Where the hell are you?" David's voice rang making me frown

"Uh, at the store why? What happened is everything okay?" I asked worried making Alex and Hayden look at me concerned, David gave an exasperated sign on the other end before saying

"You should really learn to keep your phone with the volume up you know that"

With an eye-roll in response to his star meme, I asked, "are you going to tell me what's wrong and why you sound extremely excited?"

"Oh right, I was actually calling to let you know that
Maribel went into labor about three hours ago" He replied and I felt my eyes widened at his answer

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