29. Katerina

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The door to the house banged open as the alarm went off which made Savannah wail in my arms. Alex rushed downstairs as his father walked in red-faced.

"what the fuck are you doing here?"Alex asked as I began to bounce Savannah to calm her down before walking away leaving Alex and his father in the living room while I climbed the stairs and went to our room. I could hear Alex and his father yelling from the room as the alarm was shut off and sighed. Two days ago Alex confronted his father and today news broke out that his company was bankrupt.

"What's with Alex and his dad yelling downstairs?" Hayden asked entering the room after knocking and me telling him to enter

"It's nothing you need concern yourself with, H. Why don't you help me give Savannah a bath?" I asked and h le furrowed his brows but nodded his head, "can you keep an eye on her while I go get the water ready?"

"K" He replied as he took a now calm 8-week-old into his arms while I got her clothes before going into the bathroom to get the water ready. I clogged the sink before turning the water on. Hayden walked in a moment later with Savannah and handed her to me once I felt like the water warm and undressed her before gently putting her in the water. She made a face as the warm water touched her skin before relaxing as I gently began to wash her.

"Can you squeeze some shampoo?"I asked nodding towards the bottle of baby shampoo and Hayden nodded as he grabbed it before popping the lid open and squeezing a small amount of shampoo onto my palm, "how's school going?"

"Good. I should be able to get my GED by September" He replied and I looked at him through the mirror and smiled

"That's great, H. I'm happy for you," I said before looking back down at Savannah but not before I saw him smile. Once I was done with giving Savannah a bath I wrapped the towel that Hayden handed to me and I clogged the sink letting be water drain before we walked back to the room. I laid Savannah down on the bed and dried her off before quickly dressing her.

"Are you and Alex going to see the wedding planner today?" Hayden asked and I hummed before sitting down on the couch grabbing the blanket he held out for me and draping it over my shoddiest to cover myself up before getting Savannah to latch onto my breast where she began to suckle. Ever since Savannah's birth and Alex and David working on building their joint hotel, restaurant, and mall, we've been postponing a meeting with the planner but today we were going to see him.

Once Savannah was fed I handed her over to Hayden who gently held her as she had fallen asleep while I went to get her diaper bag and filled it with a couple outfits and diapers before grabbing mine and Alex's phones from their charging stations and placed them in the diaper bag along with his keys.

"Here I'll take that you put her in her car seat," Hayden said when I was about to grab the diaper bag and I nodded taking Savannah and placing her in her carrier before we walked out of the room and down the hall towards the sitting room to see Alex and his father along with two police officers taking Angelo out who was cursing and demanding to be let go but the officer holding him ignored his demands and instead took him out leaving Alex, myself and Hayden in the house with his partner who looked at Hayden for a moment which made my brother blush and look down at the floor

"Miss Montgomery I presume?" He asked and I nodded shaking his hand once I placed the carrier with Savannah down, "and you?"

"He's my brother" I replied and the officer nodded before turning back to Alex and me

"I want him jailed for trespassing and violating a restraining order my fiancée and I placed on him and my mother after they harassed us at our workplace. They're not allowed to be within 1,000 feet from us" Alex said as he put an arm around my waist and the officer nodded

"He'll be taken down to the precinct for interrogation" the male stated before he excused himself and wished us a good rest of the day before leaving.

"Ready to go?" Alex asked and we nodded so with that said, Alex picked the carrier back up and we made our way out for them in time to see the patrol car drive away from the driveway with Angelo in the backseat.

"Aren't you going to go to the office after the meeting with the planner?" I asked when Alex climbed the passenger's seat and he shook his head closing the door while I climbed the driver's seat, "why?"

"I rather spend the rest of the day with you then be in the office cooped up going over pointless paperwork that I can do at home" he replied as I pulled away from the driveway before driving down the street towards the main road before driving towards the office we were meeting, Daisy, the wedding the planner.

"Where should we go for lunch once we finish our meeting with the wedding planner, H?"I asked as I made a left turn before parking the car once we reached the building

"Um, can we go to the diner down the block from David's office?" He asked and we nodded

"Sure sounds like a plan" Alex replied as we got out of the car with him taking Savannah out while I got the stroller and Hayden grabbed the diaper bag before we made our way towards the building and thanking the woman that held the door for us.

"Her office is on the second-floor room number 319," I said and Alex nodded pressing the up button for the elevator by the wall and we stood to wait for a few seconds before the doors opened and we climbed in and just as the doors were about to close a hand shot out making Hayden jump as he was closer to the door

"Sorry" the person apologized as he walked in pressing the button for the second floor. The ride was spent in silence minus Alex typing on his phone and Savannah cooing in her carrier and the soft music playing into the little space we were all crammed in.

The doors opened a second later with a soft ding indicating that we have arrived at our floor and once we all pooled out we made our way down the hall towards the wedding planner's office.

Alex knocked on the door and a moment later it flew open and we were face to face with a beautiful redhead with red lips and wide brown eyes. She had a white button-down blouse with a black pencil skirt and black heels.

"Hello, you just be my clients? Mr. Storm and Miss Montgomery?" She asked and we nodded, "it's a pleasure to meet you both and I'm guessing this is the brother in law and baby?"

"Yes. This is Hayden my brother and Savannah our daughter" I replied and she hummed before welcoming us in and closing the door behind her

"Alright, shall we start then?"She asked as she sat on the opposite side of the coffee table where we saw a bunch of wedding ideas sprawled out, we nodded and she smiled, "as you can see...."

an here's a new update guys let me know what you guys think and don't forget to leave a vote/ fan



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