22. Alexander

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"Morning Samantha, have you finished the blueprints?" I asked knocking on the office door of one of my designers and she looked up before nodding

"Good morning Mr. Storm and yes I was about to go up to your office would you like to see it?" She asked and I nodded walking to her desk before leaning over her to see it and I nodded

"That's actually better than the blueprint our ex-clients had," I said moving back and standing at her side, "Nice work Sam"

"Thank you, Mr. Storm" She replied a smile as a blush coated her cheeks making me nod

"I want copies of that up in my office ASAP, my colleague will be here soon and I want him to see it before we send it off to the construction crew," K said as I made my way towards the door and she nodded

"I'll have it up to you in a few I just need to add a few more details," she said and I nodded and as I was about to leave she called me back and I raised a brow in question and watched as she fidgeted with her fingers before taking a deep breath, "would you like to come over to my place after work?"

"No" I replied and watched as her eyes fell and pink covered her cheeks, "and here's why Samantha, 1. I'm engaged to a beautiful, smart and wonderful woman who's having my child and 2. even if I wasn't engaged or seeing anyone in a romantic way, I would've still said no because I don't mix work with pleasure. If you want someone to have fun with, ask Johnson"

"Of course Mr. Storm I apologize" she replied

"You're a good person Samantha and I'm sure there are plenty of men out there that are dying to have a chance with you so don't fuck that up by asking the wrong person to go home with you," I said and she nodded, "Now get those last-minute touches done and up in my office within the next 15 minutes" 

"Right away, Mr. Storm" she replied as she turned back to the board in front of her and I sighed leaving the office and making my way upstairs to my office.

Alexander Storm from 8 months ago would have jumped on the chance of taking Samantha home but I'm not that guy anymore, Hell I didn't even think I had it in me to turn her down that gently as my old self would have said something mean and hurtful and wouldn't have cared about hurting her feelings. I guess being with Katerina has shaped me into being a bit more considerate of people's feelings while also being stone cold when it comes to getting things done.

Once I reached my office floor I walked out of the elevator and walked down the hall towards my office

"Miss Katerina and Mr. David, are waiting for you Mr. Storm," Elle said and I nodded thanking her before waking in and sure enough my fiancée (that word still being new to me) and her brother were sitting across from my desk talking but looked up when I walked in Katrina smiling while David nodded his head in greeting making me roll my eyes at him before walking in and closing the door behind me before walking over to them and given Katerina a kiss on the lips then shaking David's hand.

"I hope I didn't keep you both waiting long," I said as I sat across from them

"Not really. We actually got here a little while ago" David said and I nodded, "did your designer come up with a blueprint?"

"Yeah. Samantha should be up in a few moments she had to add a few finishing touches to it" I replied and just as I finished saying that there was a knock on my door before Elle poked her head in, "what is is Elle?"

"Sam is here, she said you needed her?" She asked as I nodded telling her to let Sam through, "Would you like anything to drink?"

"Tea thank you," Katerina said with a smile as she rubbed her bump Elle nodded and looked at David who asked for coffee while I asked for water and then she looked at Sam

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