36. Alexander

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"We're all here for you, Alexander," Liam said as he patted my shoulder before his wife, Addison, made her way over to us and gave me a hug whispering we're here for you always before pulling away and gave her a small smile before the doors to the courtroom opened and a guard walked out calling us in, David had offered to watch Savannah for us while we were in court. Kat grabbed my hand and gave it a soft squeeze before we walked in. The courtroom was filled with only close family and friends from my siblings to Kat's family and Marcus who ha shown up a little after we entered to watch the trial take place. The DA and ADA were across from us with Margaret and Angelo with their lawyer sat on the other side of the small space. We all stood up upon hearing that the judge was entering before we were allowed to sit down.

"Case number 3266 New York vs Margaret and Angelo Storm is now in session," the guard said as he walked to the old woman at the podium handing her the case file. I felt a hand slide in my left one and looked over to see Ella silently crying and gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she took a deep breath before she focused on the hearing.

"I've reviewed the case and I have to say Mr. and Mrs. Storm, I have never seen a case like this in my 45 years as a judge," the woman said as she leaned on her brown leather chair as she looked at Margaret and Angelo who were wearing orange jumpsuits.

"The court calls Valentina Storm to the stand," the DA said making the court erupt in whippers and I looked at Marcus in confusion making his shrug looking equally confused. The doors to the court opened and a moment later a stunning woman in a black pencil skirt and matching blazer entered the room with her dark hair pulled in a bun. I felt as everything around me stood still as our eyes locked. She looked just like the woman in the photo.

"Silence!" The judge yelled slamming her hammer on the table as Angelo stood up

"You're supposed to be dead! I sent my men to kill you how are you still alive?!"

"SILENCE!" The judge yelled though the room continued with its whispers, "who is this woman, Mrs. Wyatt?"

"I object your honor. I was not notified that she was a witness on this trial" the defense attorney said as he stood up slamming his hands on the table

"You were, in fact, notified, Mr. White," The DA said, "it's there in your folder along with my next witness.

"I can't breathe" I whispered as I felt my lungs constrict in my chest the longer I stared at the woman I thought was dead. How is it possible that she's standing just mere feet from me?

"Valentina" Marcus whispered in shock and as if she heard her name, she looked away from me and towards the man sitting beside me and gave him a small smile, I had to know what kept her from looking for me, what took her so long in reaching out to me? Did she not want me like she said she did?

"Miss S-" The judge called but she cut her off

"De Luca, your honor," She said and her voice sounded gentle filled with sadness and anger and hurt and hate as she looked at the people in front of her. She walked to the witness stand and after the promised, to tell the truth, the DA and defense layer both took turns questioning and cross-examine her

"Why'd you wait until now to show yourself?" The defense lawyer asked and my mother gave him a deadpanned expression

"objection your honor how is this of any relevance to the case?" Mrs.Wyatt asked

"You're okay, Alex, take deep breaths" Kat whispered as I felt light-headed as my lungs continued to constrict in my chest

"Ask another question that is relevant to the case Mr. White," the judge said and the defense lawyer clenched his jaw but nodded

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