20. Alexander

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I stood in the middle of the yard waiting for the moment Katerina would come back from the mall with her sister and brother, Hayden. Jaylen, Kyle, and David were somewhere in the yard fighting over who was going to record the big moment and who was picking music.

Her parents. Liam and Addison, were inside somewhere talking with John, Ella, Tyler, and Vanessa since my parents didn't quite take the news about me proposing to Katerina well and they didn't even like the idea of us having a child together and went as far as to offer to pay for her abortion but I refused. Abortion never crossed mine or Katerina's minds. I would first die before any harm came to her or my daughter.

I haven't spoken to them since the news of Katerina's pregnancy and my plans on proposing to her which I honestly didn't mind since we don't get along since I was a teen and even more so after their arranged marriages deal with the king and queen of Spain.

"Dude chill," a voice from behind said as a band landed on my shoulder making me jump, "my sister is going to say yes so just relax" David chuckled as he walked over to stand beside me and I took a deep breath grateful that he got me out of my thoughts about my parents. "I'm guessing you're not just on edge about my sister but something else?"

"You have no idea" I muttered and he nodded

"We've got time if you want to talk, " he offered and I nodded and so I did, I told him everything that I've been bottling up since Katerina and I got together and how my parents were against us from the beginning and wanted Katerina to have an abortion so I would find a more decent woman to marry and everything in between, "damn dude. Your parents are fucking assholes, sorry for saying that but even if you and she weren't together Katerina would have never agreed to have one. Being a mother is all she's ever wanted to be growing up"

"I know. And don't apologize because I pretty much told them to fuck off and to shove their opinions elsewhere because I wasn't going to listen to them. They've been wanting me to settle down and when I do they're against it. I'm taking control of my life and if they decide to be in it then that's fine if not then even better. I'm not going to gravel at their feet and ask them to give Katerina a chance. They've had plenty of them when we got together but they never made an effort to get to know her" I said and he nodded and before either of us could get another word in, the sound of tires on the gravel filed our ears a David patted my shoulder before walking away to stand by his brothers.

I took a deep breath as the side gate doors opened and Maribel along with Hayden and Katerina walked through with the former walking away leaving Katerina a few feet away from where I stood. The Montgomery brothers finally settled on a song to play which happened to be Katerina's favorite song but it looked like she whats paying attention to it as her eye widened as she took in the yards new decore for the evening. Fairy lights, my sisters' idea hung all around, the pool was covered converting it into a dance floor with candles like lights lining the sides.

Our families had come out to watch the proposal and god I don't remember ever being this nervous in my life.

"What's all this?" Katerina asked walking over to me and I just smiled before getting down on one knee making her gasp as she covered her mouth with tears forming in her eyes

"Katerina Elena Montgomery" I began as I felt the small velvet box in my pocket before taking it out and opening it holding it towards her, "When I first talked to you at David's birthday five years ago, I thought wow this girl is absolutely stunning" she smiled as tears rolled down her cheek, "The time you marched into my office three weeks ago demanding I take you to lunch, I knew right then and there that we were meant to be" I could hear and see the flash of a camera going as our loved ones took photos as well as awing and sniffling "Before I met you, I was always focused on work and growing my business but now that I have you all I can focus on is on us, on our future together as we raise our daughter"

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