23. Katerina

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"When do we get to see your new place?" David asked as we sat at the diner and Alex shrugged

"We still have to get a few more things before we can have anyone over, but once we do you'll be the first person to be invited over along with Xander" he replied and my brother nodded before asking

"So what are you going to do with that girl, Samantha?"

"Fired. She, and everyone for that matter, know that I don't tolerate disrespect towards anyone whether it be business or romantically" Alex replied and David nodded again, "If you've noticed Jessa is no longer working for me"

"I figured as much when I didn't see her at the front a few weeks ago," David said and Alex nodded  taking a sip of his wine while I took a bite of my steak, "Has your new secretary ever flirted with you?"

"No, she knows about Katerina being my fiancée and even if she wasn't, Elle knows that I don't mix work with pleasure" Alex replied before adding, "And besides I think she's got her eye on someone at the office already"

"Seriously? Why do you say that?" I asked and he smirked looking down at me

"I've seen her checking one of the tech guys as if he were a piece of meat before acting as if she wasn't checking him out when he looks over" he chuckled making me shake my head while my brother joined him and chuckled

"Wait isn't that Elle?" I said when I saw a woman that looked like Alex's secretary at the diner across the street with a familiar-looking guy

"Where?" Alex asked sobering up before following my finger and whistling, "Yup that's her alright and that's the guy she's been checking out"

"Wait I think I know him," I said making Alex and David look at me with raised brows

"How?" My brother asked

"I think we go to the same college. I've seen him once or twice on campus. I think his name is Trevor or something like that" I replied with a shrug before sitting right in my seat and picking up my glass of water and taking a sip

"His name is Tanner" Alex replied and I nodded, "he's one of the tech guys at the office. He's one of the best."

"Elle shouldn't get her hopes up though," I said and he raised a brow in question and I sighed, "he's a big flirt. I've seen him flirting with every girl and even some guys at school and he also likes talking about the people he's hooked up with and whether they were good or not"

"I'm sure-I think she figured the type of guy he is," Alex said which made David and I look towards the diner to see Elle dumping her drink on him before storming away leaving a soaked male behind.

"Serves that asshole right" I muttered with a nod before turning back to my food, "what? He's a douche bag and Elle is a nice girl who deserves someone nice, not some guy who asks to hook up on the first date and don't even say anything in regards of you and me"

"I wasn't gonna," Alex said holding his hands up and I rolled my eyes making him chuckle

"I'm sure she'll be a little, okay maybe a lot, pissed tomorrow so you should be kind to her A" David said

"I know. Believe me, I may be her boss but I know better than to mess with a pissed off woman" Alex said making my brother snicker while I grinned

"Good" I muttered and he smirked leaning over and kissing my temple. We made small talk the rest of lunch before David paid and we went to the parking lot

"I'll be over tomorrow with the new blueprints and we'll look them over," David said

"Sounds good. Just make sure that your design guy adds the stores and diners Katerina said during the brief meeting we had before we realized Sam gave you both the wrong ones" he said and David nodded before they exchanged a few more words then bid each other farewell with David giving me a kiss on the cheek before he got in his car and Alex climbed in.

"Alright since we have the rest of the day free, what do you want to do?" Alex questioned as he turned the car on before revering out of the lot

"We need to go grocery shopping as well as go check out furniture for the nursery," I said and he nodded before turning left waving at David who went right.

"What should we do first?"

"Furniture first then groceries" I replied and he nodded as we made our way toward baby's are us. The drive was done in comfortable silence with a small talk every other moment with the radio softly playing in the background.

Alex and I officially moved into our house last week but we still had a lot to do before we're fully settled in. The only rooms that are fully furnished are the master room and bathroom, the dining room/kitchen and the living room. And that's just in the main house. We have a guest house a few yards away that's already furnished which was a relief. Alex, Dad and my brothers aside from Hayden did the whole heavy lifting while Mar, Hayden, Mom and I pointed them where everything went as well as unpacked the boxes that they carried in.

"Alright, let's go," Alex said breaking me out of my thoughts and I looked out the window to see we were already at the store and unfastened my seat belt before climbing out with Alex's help as I couldn't get out on my own with being 29 weeks already before he closed the door, "what do we need for the nursery?"

"Crib, changing table, dresser for her clothes, cubbies for her toys for when she's older" I listed off the things we need to set up the nursery


And so that's how we spend the day after lunch, buying furniture for our daughter and grocery shopping before going home to cook dinner and calling it a night.

"Today was eventful" I murmured as we laid in bed later that night and Alex hummed in agreement as he kissed my head, "Are you really going to fire Samantha?"

"Yeah and I already have a replacement for her. I'll have Elle call him when I go in. I've seen his resume and I only turned him away was because I already had people in the field that he was looking for but now that Sam won't be working at the building, he'll be a perfect replacement for her" he replied and I nodded

"She seemed like a nice girl but I guess looks can be deceiving" I murmured

"You can say that again" he whispered before yawing, "let's get some shut-eye because we have a long day tomorrow and I'm not just talking about the meeting"

"Ugh don't remind me" I huffed making him chuckle

"Sorry angel but that's what we need to do now that we're homeowners," he said. Tomorrow we have a doctor's appointment after the meeting then we're having a couple of Alex's guys come by to help fix the upstairs rooms so we could furnish it then a plumber is coming over to check on the leak in the bathroom in the guest house.

"We should've made sure the pipes in the guest house were good before we moved everything over there" I muttered

"True but we didn't and now we've got to deal with the consequences of that" he replied and I hummed

"Alrighty then. Let's get some sleep or else we'll be tired in the morning and that won't be very good" I whispered and he nodded kissing the top of my head whispering

"Love you"

"Love you too" I murmured before I let sleep take me under as his arms held me close as best as he could with my belly in the way.

Tomorrow is going to be long indeed.

an here's a new update guys let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/ fan



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