38. Alexander

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"Good evening, do you have reservations?" The hostess asked as we entered the restaurant.

"It should be under De Luca" I replied and she looked down at her notes before smiling and grabbing 6 menus before leading us to the back of the restaurant where my parents were already seated and looked up when they saw us enter with my dad standing up to greet us with a smile.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting" Kat was the one to speak up but they shook their heads with warm smiles

"We haven't been waiting long" Mom replied as we sat around, her eyes not leaving Ella, Ness or John who looked at her with unsure eyes. Hayden was next to greet them introducing himself as Kat's younger brother, "it's lovely to meet you Hayden"

"Your waiter for the evening will be with you shortly," the hostess said and we nodded thanking her before she walked away leaving us alone.

The table was silent minus the soft snores of Savannah in her car seat next to Kat as she slept away without a care in the world.

"Why didn't you ever come forward sooner? Why didn't you come back home?" Ella asked breaking the silence and mom gave her a small sad filled smile that had me looking away

"We were always home, Ella, even if you never knew we were there. Remember when you fell off the tree in the park when you were 5?" She asked and Ella blinked before nodding her head, "who staid with you until they arrived?" They being Angelo and Margaret. I remember that day as if it had happened yesterday. It was 15 years ago and yet it was still very present in my mind. I was 12 at the time and I had been playing catch with a couple of my friends in the field a few feet away, John and Vanessa who were 15 and 14 at the time had been at the practice since John was in the soccer team and Nessa was in cheerleading.

Margaret and Angelo demanded I take Ella to the park because she wanted to go and since I was going there to meet with friends I brought her with me making her promise to not do anything stupid like climb a tree since that's what she liked to do and promised.

So I went to meet with my friends leaving her in the playground playing with a couple of kids around her age. I couldn't even concentrate on the game my friends and I were playing because I kept looking over at the playground where Ella was and I felt my heart sink when I didn't find her anywhere not until I heard a loud scream and I looked towards the trees and saw a familiar blonde of hair sticking out from the ground and ran towards it to see Ella laying on the ground crying.

That's when I saw two unfamiliar people run towards us with the woman—my mom as I now realized—had her partner call an ambulance while I sat on the ground crying because I knew that I'd be in trouble with Angelo and Margaret for letting Ella climb the tree instead of watching her like I was supposed to. And I was right, the moment they had shown up at the hospital after the ambulance had arrived and taken us to the building, I felt a sting on my cheek as Margaret slapped me while Angelo yelled at me for being stupid and not watching Ella when I was supposed to.

That was the day that I made a vow to myself that I'll never let him or anyone ever walk over me again and that I'll never let them lay a hand on me unless they're wanted the same punishment.

"You were the people who called the ambulance" Ella whispered bringing me back to earth and I watched my parents nod, "but why didn't you stay with us? Why did you leave?"

"Because we had no choice," Mom said but before she could continue the door to the private room opened and young girl in a black and white waitress uniform walked in and stood at the end of the table with a small smile her eyes lingering a little too long on John who didn't even pay attention as he was looking at his older sister and brother in law.

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