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The school doors open right after the clock strikes 2:00. A bunch of preschoolers run out of the entrance like a bunch of ants, frantically running towards their fetchers.

Anne is currently looking for her son. Chocolate brown curls, green emerald eyes and big plump lips. It's quite hard to look for him since he's a small one and kids his age are way taller than her baby. He always gets stuck in the crowd.

She scans around the school until a little high pitched voice is slowly approaching her.

"Mummy! I'm back, I'm back, I'm back!" A little child runs into her, engulfing her in a big hug with his small little arms.

"Hi sweet pea! Oh, how mummy has missed you so much." Anne snuggles into her baby's neck, sniffling his baby powdered scent. "How was school, honey bunch?"

"Oooh! Mummy, I can't wait to tell you every thing. There's this little boy and-and we played with some trucks in the sand box. I wanted to play with little dollies but he said no no so I cry. I played with-with the girlies! We played tea party." He happily states, grinning widely with his deep dimples that he got from his mummy. Anne smiles.

"That's nice, love. Now let's go back to the car before we freeze here like cold peas." Anne carries little Harry into her arms, only to get lightly tapped by him. "B-but mummy! I'm a big boy now. Big boys don't get carried by mummies." He whines, big eyes staring up at Anne.

"But for mummy, you're still my baby." He pouts. Anne coos at how Harry is acting and tickles him in the tummy, making him giggle and put him in a good mood again.

"I no want tickles, mummy!" He giggles, wiggling in her mum's grip on the way to their car.
Anne opens the door and carries Harry to passenger seat, "don't forget the seat belt. Safety first, boo." She pokes Harry's nose, buckling him up.

"Yep! Safety, safety first, mum-mum." He smiles.

Anne closes the door and goes around to sit in the driver's seat, not forgetting to buckle up. Don't want to be a bad example.

She gets her keys from her pocket and turns on the car, proceeding to drive off.

"So, where do you wanna catch a snack today, love?" Anne asks, her smile seeming to never fade. Always because of her baby. She never fails to be happy when her baby is there.

Harry's eyes light up in excitement, "Mcdonald's Mcdonald's Mcdonald's!" Harry squeels, repeatedly jumping up and down in his seat. "I love Ronald the clown. Can we get the toys, mummy?"

"Of course, love. Anything for you." She happily responds, making Harry even more excited. Just seeing her baby happy, makes her happy.
"Are we there yet?" Harry asks impatiently, kicking his legs back and forth. "Why is this taking foreeeeevvvverrr." He drags out his words, pouting in the process.

"Calm down, love. Look! We're here." Anne points to the brightly lit yellow Mcdonald's™ sign.

"Yayyyyyyyy!" Harry says, clapping his hands and grinning excitedly as he watches the car going into the parking lot.
Anne opens the door to Harry once again, little Harry hopping off and climbing on Anne.

They walk together in the entrance, looking for a vacant seat. "There! Mummy! Look! There's a seat." Harry points to the left where there is indeed a vacant seat.

"Good job, Har." Anne comments, Harry giving a big thumbs up. "We're a great team!" He says loudly, hugging his mum by the neck. Anne chuckles.
"Stay right here, darling. Mummy is just gonna fall in line and buy us our snackies. Don't worry I'll be back." Anne kisses her son's forehead as Harry nods as a response. "Okay, mummy!"

First chapter! Please show some love and vote. Comments are highly appreciated by authors so please comment some of your thoughts 💚💙

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