• Eleven •

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- Rosé

After the whole day of bonding...
We went back to our dorm.
Our managers left us and went home as well.

We are all here in the living room.

I decided to text Jimin as we got home.

"Yah. Jimin. I'm back."

Few minutes and I don't get a reply so...
I went to the kitchen to get some water but as I stood up, Lisa called me and...

"Chaey, your phone."
        I haven't heard the notification but Lisa saw it lit up, so she pointed.

"Ahh, kamsa."
      With tired voice, I thanked.

"It must be Jimin."
       Smirking Jennie eonnie spoke.

And Jisoo eonnie turned to me from her phone.

"Ppali, check it."
        Smirking as well, Jisoo eonnie commanded.

I chuckled and unlocked the screen.
Saw he replied...

"Can you go to the nearest café to your dorm? I need to talk to you."

Confusion ate me as I saw his reply.
What does he want me to do again?

"What does he say?"
       Lisa asked smirking too.

"He's asking me to go to the nearest café. And he said...he need to talk to me."
       I gulped as I answered.

       Jisoo eonnie shockily reacted 'ehh'.

Lisa looked at meblankly yet confused.
Only Jennie eonnie is the one who's composed and fine.

"But we don't have our managers herr. And why do he need to talk to you? You and him just met days ago. What's so important and at this rate of time?"
      Jennie eonnie pointed out.
She's right, it's pass nine in the evening and what does he need?

"I don't know either."
       I answered and just after speaking, my phone beeped once again.

"I'm here already. Don't worry, I won't do anything bad, I promise. I just need to ask something."

That was his message.

"He's not going to do anything bad, he says. And he just need to ask something. He's already there."
      I informed.

"Give me your phone."
       Jennie eonnie stood from the couch and eached for my phone.

Hesitantly, I gave my phone.
But I'm.sure she's going to do.something to know if this man is about to do something bad for me.

"Why can't you say it here?"

I saw Jennie eonnie asked.

Jimin repkied immediately.

"I also need to see something from you."

"What is it?"
      Jisoo eonnie utyered as she saw the message while she's syanding beside Jennie eonnie.

Lisa suddenly stood from the couch and walked beside Jennie eonnie as well and read the messages tigether the others.

"What is it?"

Jennie eonnie texted.
Just in a couple of seconds, Jimin replied.

"Just come, I'll explain. I know you're not giving your trust, but you can have your members to come. I have Taehyung here too and Jungkook, as well as Jin hyung. Besides that, we are both idols, I can't do anything bad. This is just an important thing, and it's jard to explain by just a text."

He reploed assuring that it's fine for me to come and not to worry about him doing anything...

"Shall we come?"
       Lisa sked looking at the message.

"It looks so important."
       Lisa added. And the whoee room was occupied by solence as we all think about it.

"We will come."
       And they made the final decision.
So, we went out and walked far away...maybe for ten minutes.

This is the nearest café.

We all looked up at the café as we reached the entrance.

I sighed and Jennie eonnie pulled me in.

As we entered the facility...
We saw immediately, Taehyung who was shocked upon seeing us.

And he stood uo and waved at us.

"Why do you need Chaey?"
         Jennie asked frowning at Taehyung.

Taehyung must be shocked...
He stood froze and was amusedly looking at Jennie's facial features.

"You came."
         He suddenly pulled me to a hug.
It's a bit...no, it's full of awkwardness as he did it and I don't know what to do.

         I heard Jisoo yelled but my eyes landed to Jungkook as he spoke...

"Hyung, you're making her feel uncomfortable."
        Jin pulled Jimin and made him sit on his seat.

"What's that sudden maniac move, Mr. Park?"
        Jennie...savagely asked, raising an eyebrow to the man who's looking at me with teary eyes.

My brows furrowed as I saw him sincerely gazing at my eyes.

"Why...why are you gazing at me..."
       I wasn't able to finish my question but he answered...

         It was his answer...
It's confusing me.

         I asked.
I'm starting to get frightened by his sincere look. Is he drunk or what?

"The necklace you're wearing..."
        His eyes landed on the necklace I'm currently wearing.

And I bowed my head to look at it as well.

"December fourth, two thousand. We met each other, played for almost three months together. I cried once you told me you're leaving to go back to Australia. You promised me to come back. It's you...am I wrong?"
       His eyes got more watery.

Memories flashed to my mind.

Those times we are catching each other.
The time he ran towards me as I stumbke and fell down. We are always seeing each other at the beach. We met...and played for three months and at the day I'm leaving, he gave me the promise ring that he made as a necklace.

        A word unintentionally escaped from my lips.

       Happily, he answered.

"I can't rememeer the name, since it was too long enough. But now, I can remember...it's Chaeng."
       He smiled at me...his eyes watery and joy is evident on his face.

But me...
I'm shooked...
Let me composed myself first.
Let me fixed the scrumble thoughts inside my brain.

"I came back...
Without the slightest idea...
It was you, Park Jimin...
Who I have been looking for...
My childhood friend.

My first lover...
The young man that proposed to me even though we're just kids.


Seductive Innocence (Jimin x Rosé) (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now