• Eighty - Nine •

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- Jimin

"Where is she then?"
            I am getting both frustrated and worried as no one from us know where Chaeyoung is.

"She just keft the dorm, she haven't told us where she will go."
           Jisoo answered.

"Besides that, she went out without any coat or jacket, she's wearing pamys and shoes, a longsleeve yet those are for inside the dorm. She can't survuve the night wearing that. She'll die with hypothermia."
           Jennie added and that made me get frustrated even more.

"Why did she walked out like that? "
           Jin hyung asked.

Seconds they took before Lisa attempted to answer...

"It's because..."
           She looks guilty, but she was cutted off when Jisoo spoke.

"Lisa didn't mean it."
           That statements from Jisoo confused me and the rest of my members.

"What do you mean...Lisa?"
           I asked, a but confused yet still serious.

"Jungkook, he asked me to be his girlfriend kast night and I rejected him. I said no, then these girls together with Chaey asked me why...the reason I gave was it's becayse of what happened. Before telling it, I told her no offense, cause I know it would be awkward and embarassing but...as well as we know her..."
           She looked down as she halted from her words...

"She's sensitive..."
           And added.

I turned around...
Prevented myaelf to burst in anger.
I know it's hard for Lisa, I knowniut's hard for her to get back to Chaeyoung but...

But my Chaeyoung now is missing and nowhere to find. Add the fact that it's winter and she wearing nothing but those inside clothes. She don't even grab a coat with her....

That's worst than she is missing.

I rubbed my temples...
I took a deep breath...

Lisa was about to speak, I heard her voice cracking hut before she could even let out a word...

I spoke already...

"I'm going to find her."
           And without even looking back to anyone...

I just walked away, though, I actually don't know where to start looking for my woman.

Where are you?"

- Rosé

I am walking along the dark, cold street.
No one's here, no one's with me. It's been long since I have walked out from the dorm. Aproximately, seven hours?

It's getting dark already.

And I'm cursing myself for not taking a coat with me or my phone.

I don't have anything...
I don't the things I need when I'm out.

But I'm just here...
At the park near the lake, where Lisa have went after walking out of our dorm the night we fought because of what happened between me and Jungkook.

I am sitting on the grass...
Hughing my knees, my chin is resting on my arms.

The sobbing is done already...
The tears on my face have dried already.

I looked at the grass being blown by the wind...

And thought...

Seductive Innocence (Jimin x Rosé) (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now