• Eighty - Two •

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- Lisa

"Where's Chaey?"
             Jennie eonnie asked as we went out to the pool at the back of our dorm.

             Jisoo eonnie answered as he sat on the edge of the pool beside Jennie eonnie.

I sat there, facing them, beside me is the pool.

"Why are we here?"
             Jisoo eonnie asked.

Jennie eonnie sighed...

And I'm sure she's going to say something about Chaey...

"Is it about Chaey not telling us?"
              Jisoo eonnie asked, with her warmest voice.

"I understand what's happening..."

         Jennie eonnie began...but stopped midway and took a deep breath before continuing...

"That Chanyeol guy is believed as a dead person already since the last time they saw him was six years ago, the year when we all met Chaey. And that Kai who is unexpectedly entering our lives...is messing up with Chaey..."
             She looked at the pool, and as I stare at her, the reflection of the light from the water on the pool is shining on her face, as well as to Jisoo eonnie's face.

"Kai told that it is because of Chaey...I also understand that she won't really tell it to us. But come to think of this...we don't know anything about those people back in Chaey's life when she's in Australia. I want to help her, to recover but...I actually can't since we don't know anything. We jusy have that brief summary about what happened."
               Worriedly, Jennie eonnie stated.

She shook her head in disbelief of what is happening in our lives.

"That's true. And...she can't stop crying...she really can't. She just ended up falling asleep earlier, I tried cooing her, calming her, relaxing her, but she didn't stopped from crying. She's even telling that it was all her fault yet she didn't meant to hurt the guy."
                Jisoo eonnie added.

"It's been three days...
Since we met that Kai who is told to be a friend of that missing person, Chanyeol."

"Do you think, where is Chanyeol? Jin called me, he told me that before they bought soju from a store, Kai approached them and as they asked about Chanyeol's death, Kai took some seconds before saying that he is still going to find him since his body wasn't found yet. You think, he's still alive?"
              Jisoo eonnie asked...

I saw Jennie eonnie shrugged her shoulders as a response of 'I don't know'.

While me...
I kept myself silent.
I am trying to comprehend every single angle from what is happening and from what happened back, six years ago.

I looked up at the starry sky...
There's no clouds interrupting the view of the constellations.

I can see every stars that my eyes can see.

And as I accidentally looked at the glass door...
I saw Chaey...standing there, looking down at the floor.

        My lips valled her name as I recognized her.

Jisoo eonnie and Jennie eonnie turned and looked behind to see Chaey.

They are both shock for a little.

"I didn't mean to hurt him..."
           Chaey stated, crying.

"I didn't mean to lose him."
            She added.

"I didn't mean to kill him."
             That moment she added that, I stood up and approached her...

I pulled her for a hug...
She burried her face on my shoulder, sobbing on my shoulder.

"We know, we know."
           With the softest voice I have, I informed her, I comforted her.

I stroke her back, giving her the relaxing sensation even though I know it wouldn't help or if it would, just a little.

"Is it bad to reject a person...whe  you really don't love him? I tried understanding him, his feelings, I tried...I tried but...but it didn't worked."
         Still crying on my shoulder, she spoke out.

Jennie eonnie and Jisoo eonnie didn't resoonded, but I can feel that they are just looking down, unbale to look at Chaeylung's situation.

"It's not bad to reject someone if you really don't love them. What happened to him isn't your fault, je made it as his decision. If he's really gone, he madeeit himself. Call it your fault when you killed him with your hands. And besides that, his body wasn't found yet, right? So, there's a probability that he is still alive."
          I tried everything to comfort her, just this night.

Seeing her with that such puffy eyes, swollen face, red lips, red face, red cheeks after all of the crying she did...

Makes me feel devastated than the moment she betrayed me.

"I didn't mean to hurt him..."
         She repeated, wipong her tears off.

"We know, so, stop."
          I pulled her out of my hug, I held her hands and I looked at her...

She looked at me...
Stared at me for seconds...

She shook her head...
And I gave her a questioning look...

Without answering my look...
She collapsed...she fainted once again.

"Chaey, Chaey."
           I called and shook her a little, trying to wake her up.

Good thing, se didn't hit the floor, I am able to pull her to my lap as I crouch to catch her.

          Jennie eonnie shook her as well...

"I'll call the doctor."
            Jisoo eonnie rushed to gether phone and call the doctor.

She collapsed this time...
Yet, I am not feeling worried about her fainting...

I'm worried about how will she be able to live the rest of her life bringing this problem on her mind?

This is the first time Insaw her like this...
Even though we had a huge war before this, that way is very different.

Very different as now, someone is missing and believed as a dead person already.

"Where's that person?
Is he really dead?

Everyone's minds are contemplating about these two question..

And plus this...
That wasn't Chaey's fault.
It happened by is choice."

"It is understandable, to be broken after a rejection...

But went missing or kill yourself because of the stess you felt for it...that shouldn't be blamed to others, once you have the mind to think what is wrong and right, everything that will happen to you, is because of you."


A:   Just taking a break...taking a rest after a whole burden day.

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