• Sixty - One •

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Happy Birthday to Rosé(Park Chaeyoung) of Black Pink., our lead female character.

Though I made her time hard in this story, I DO REALLY LOVE HER and the rest of BLACK PINK!


- Rosé

"I left the letter on her desk."
            Jennie eonnie informed as she sat on the couch across me and Jisoo eonnie.

"Thank you."
            I whispered yet wnough for her to hear.

"I can hear her sobbing until now."
           Jisoo eonnie uttered, with a low toned voice.

"She probably have read the letter."
           Jennie eonnie responded and she leaned her nack to the support of the couch, crossimg her amrs and legs.

"What did you say exactly, Chaey?"
         Jisoo eonnie asked, she tilted her head to look straight at me.

"I wrote there that I really didn't mean to betray her, that I hope she'll talk to me when she is able to."
          I answered, with my raspy voice.

I just cried earlier...
My voice is really hoarse.

And I heard Jennie eonnie sighed...
She looked down at the center table between us and shook her head like she's disagreeing with something.

I felt nervous suddenly by the sight of how she's acting.

         My lips called her, unknowingly.

She looked at me, raising an eyebrow to me.

"Jennie, you're scaring Chaey."
          Savagely, Jisoo eonnie informed and that's true.

But Jennie eonnie didn't bother changing her emotion.

"I'm sure, you're calling me. Why?"
          She asked.

          Hiccup attacked me as I tried avoiding myself to sob.

Jisoo eonnie stroke my back and gave me a glass of water from the center table.

I didn't bither drinking it...
I lookes at Jennie eonnie.

Her gaze soften as her eyes met mine...
But she looked down again at the table and avoided my look.

"I'm sorry...sorry."
         Between sobbing, I spoke.

She sighed once again.
She rubbed her foreheadonce and then answered...

"I'm not mad. I'm just...I just can't believe that you did it. And seriously, for all of the men in the world, you made out with the one your bestfriend loves."
          She stated...
I felt guilty again, I felt pity not for me but to Lisa suddenly.

"I really can't imagine that happening. I thought our group will face some conflicts like dating issues or whatever, but this...this is really unforeseen, unpredictable, unbelievable. And with you? Who's the most innoncent among us?"
             She's confused yet she knew what she's talki g about.

Her words are striking my heart dilapidatedly.

           Jisoo eonnie called Jennie eonmie with her warm voice, trying to stop Jennie eonnie to make me cry over and over.


"I'm really not mad, Chaeyoung. But fix these before everything gets worse. I honestly want to stroke your back now, I want to at least let you lean your head on my shoulder, but I'm still at the state where I can't go near you. I'm really surprised of what you did."
           Her cold voice...
She's serious and that's eating me alive.
Her words are swords...that I need to accept.

"You don't need to apologize for me. Apologize for your friend you just injured. Or at least, be apologetic for yourself, for causing too much trouble, and for changing overnight because of that incident at the café."
          She stood up after that statement...

She didn't bother comforting me with warm words or warm approach.

I am wrong...
And I need to accept evreything that is going to throw to me.

"I'll try fixing myself before talking to you again...sorry for being harsh for times, and also now...but you can't blame me."
        Then she walked into her room, leaving those words for me.

I cried...
I sobbed and hiccups are attacking me badly now.

"That's fine, Chaey. Stop, that's fine."
          Jisoo eonnie comforted me, roaming her hand on my back, trying to calm me down...

But that doesn't help.

"I have entered a troubke that is hurting everybody that surrounds me...

Our friendship will sink because of the betrayal I did.

I'm such a fool, I'm so stupid for not thinking about evey angles of life before doing that with Jungkook. I just thought about Jini cheating on me that night. How horrible am I? How such a fool am I?"

"Will I be abke to fix this?
When? How?"

"Of all of the people...
Why me should face things like this?

Of all of the woman...
Why us?

Of all of the friendship...
Why our friendship should face this?
Why us? Why me? Why Lisa? Why Jimin? Why Jungkook?"

"Can just someone....can kust someone kill me now?

Or can I sleep for so long?
And wake up when everything is fine?

Can this situation be just a nightmare?
I want to wake up now...
I don't want to watch everything fall here...

This is all my fault...
This is all my fault.

If I could just listened to his explanation then...
Then me and Jungkook wouldn't do that."


"One last question...
Am I...still me?"

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