• Seventy - One •

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A:     Read every part, don't miss a word.
         Especially the ending part of this chapter.
         A must taken advice from your author.


- Bambam

To:    Jisoo

Yes. She's with me now.
Don't worry, I won't do anything to her.
We're actually just here at some mini restaurant not so far on your dorm. Can walk by fifteen minutes.

I'll send her home once she asked.

I replied as Jisoo texted me about Lisa.
The girls probably won't believe cause the last time Lisa did walkeed out, she was gone, missing then as we found, she fainted.

"I have answered Jisoo's message. Now, why are we here? I know that you're not fine so I'm not gonna ask. But why have you invited me instead of your eonnies?"
            I asked and stated.

There's no people here.
Just few adult couples.

She looked at her playing fingers placed on the table...
Didn't bothered herself looking at me yet she answered...

"I don't think they really can help me. Can we talk about this later? I'm starving, Bam."
            She made a sour expression as she suggested to eat.

"Fine. What do you want? Since you're having some bad things in your life, my treat."
            I handed her the menu placed on the table and she looked at me...


"That's why I invited you instead of them."
            She giggled before looking at the menu to choose.

"What a liar, Lalisa?"

I chuckled as I thought.
Then, I just watched her as she pointed her orders to the waiter.

"And, ice chocolate drink. Thank you."
             Lastly, she pointed the drink.

"You, sir?"
             The waiter asked, smiling at me.

"Same as her order, thank you."
             The waiter bowed slightly before leaving to take our orders.

I looked at Lisa's phone, which is placed on the side of her table. It's vibrating.

And she's just looking at the call.

"Won't you answer? You know, people won't call you umless it is important."
               I asked and let out some information.

She clicked her tongue and answered.

"If the person calling you treat you like you're a worthless human, are you still going to answer the phone call?"
              She asked, squinting her eyes knowing that I'll answer no.

"I get it."
             I nodded and she rolled her eyes before turning off her vibrating phone.

"I told myself that I won't let Jungkook hurt you...
But he already did...

Now, what I can do for you is at least to ease the pain you are feeling now."

I gazed to her eyes...
Usually, when we are eating, she would be really talkative. She will talk about everything, she's going to joke around, she's the noisiest friend I have.

But now...
I'm watching her breathing silently.
I'm looking on how much she had changed.

She's not talking.
She's not smiling.
She's not laughing.
She's not joking.
She's so serious and I hate it when the atmosphere is like this.

Seductive Innocence (Jimin x Rosé) (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now