• Thirty - Five •

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- Rosé

We are now back at our dorm...
I'm still discomfited with what happened earlier even though we have won Bonsang Award tonight on Seoul Music Awards.

I feel mad but I feel guilty...

I haven't talked to Jiminthough we have time. I just left without bidding good bye as pur managers called us to enter the van.

I'm sure he saw me entering the van, holding my black jacket. I glanced at him that time, but I turned away my look.when he looked at me already.

Until now...
I don't have received mesages from him.

He's tired...and doubtlessly, maybe he's resting now.

I sighed...
And threw my phone on my bed.

I sat on the corner of my bed and tubbed my forehead, I felt a bit of headache just now...I'm so sleepy back earlier at the rode...and my body want some rest.

I lied down...
And tucked myself under the blanket.

And just the time I did, my phone beeped.

From Jimin:   Are you asleep?
                 I'm so sorry, I texted you late. I fell asleep unintetionally already, I just dreamt of you earlier and got awaken so I texted you now that I have the opportunity.

Reply me back if you're still awake, but if not, then, sweet dreams my Fluffy Chaeng. I love you, baby.

That was his message...
I'm now contemplating whether to reply or not...

I've been waiting for his text since earlier...but now that he did...I feel like the half of me doesn't want to text back. These is all because of what happened earlier.

"Right, just be cold."

To Jimin:     I was about to sleep. How about you? I know you're pretty tired.

In no minutes...

From Jimin:       I'm sorry, I disturbed you. I can't sleep without talking to you. You haven't talked to me since earlier in the morning, I haven't texted you as well. I miss you.

I took a deep breath as I read that...
And then, answered...

To Jimin:    Ahh, is that so?

I replied.

From Jimin:      Yes.

He answered...
And then followed by another message.

From Jimin:    Are you fine?


To Jimin:    Yes. Why?

I lied.

From Jimin:     Nothing, I just feel like something is wrong.

"Wow, you noticed that?

And now that you're asking, let's open the topic."

To Jimin:      Ohh. Anyway, don't have something to tell me?

Still, I'm coldly replying.
Few seconds...

From Jimin:     Nothing?
                                Is there anything?

"Great, now he doesn't have the idea."

And with that...
I'm getting livid.

I took another deep breath and typed to respond...

To Jimin:      Nothing. Just maybe some like catching a woman who slipped infront of you?

It tooks couple of seconds before he responded...

From Jimin:      Ahh, that?
                                Let me explain.

But I don't want an explaintion as of now...
So, I refused and...

To Jimin:       No need. I'm going to sleep, Jimin. I'm sleepy already.

I'm sure he replied but I muted my phone and put it on my desk so that it wouldn't disturb me.

I closed my eyes...
Going to sleep with mind indignant.

"Halfly good night...
Halfly bad...

I feel indignant...
Should I really consider what happened earlier with Jimin and Seulgi? Isn't that unfair?

I'm infuriated...honestly."

- Jimin

"She saw what happened..."

To My Fluffy Chaeng:      Ahh, that?
                                                    Let me explain.

"She saw and I think she's mad."

From My Fluffy Chaeng:     No need. I'm going to sleep, Jimin. I'm sleepy already.

"No need? And she called me Jimin...instead of mochi. She's frustrated...what have I done?"

I rubbed my forehead in annoyance.

Earlier, when we are walkimg back to our seats which is next to Black Pink amd.Red Velvet's, Seulgi accidentally slipped infront of me and I got nothing to do but to let her or catch her.

But before I could contemplate whether to let her fall and just helo her, or catch her, my arms immediately caught her without me noticing it.

It is also the time when Black Pink is on stage and waiting for their song to play.

I know she'll get frustrated if she'll ever see but...I never thought thatshe saw cause she's on stage.

I planned on telling her warmly yomorrow but...things doesn't cooperate now and it turned to be my problem.

"This is a trouble...
A trouble began."

But even though I catched Seulgi, even though my instincts got worried of Seulgi falling earlier, I wouldn't cheat...I won't hurt Chaeng.

"Chaeyoung-a, I'm going to explain and apologuze after this day. Please, listen to me and....forgive me.

I know you're upset because you're thinking that it is unfair or it looks like I'm cheating, but I won't. Of course, I won't."

"I love my Chaeng, I won't cheat on her just because Seulgi slipped infront of me. I would never cheat."

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